Samuli Rautava
Samuli Rautava
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Human gut colonisation may be initiated in utero by distinct microbial communities in the placenta and amniotic fluid
MC Collado, S Rautava, J Aakko, E Isolauri, S Salminen
Scientific reports 6 (1), 1-13, 2016
Probiotics during pregnancy and breast-feeding might confer immunomodulatory protection against atopic disease in the infant
S Rautava, M Kalliomäki, E Isolauri
Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 109 (1), 119-121, 2002
Microbial contact during pregnancy, intestinal colonization and human disease
S Rautava, R Luoto, S Salminen, E Isolauri
Nature reviews Gastroenterology & hepatology 9 (10), 565-576, 2012
Mode of delivery–effects on gut microbiota and humoral immunity
A Huurre, M Kalliomäki, S Rautava, M Rinne, S Salminen, E Isolauri
Neonatology 93 (4), 236-240, 2008
Maternal gut and breast milk microbiota affect infant gut antibiotic resistome and mobile genetic elements
K Pärnänen, A Karkman, J Hultman, C Lyra, J Bengtsson-Palme, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3891, 2018
Probiotics modulate host-microbe interaction in the placenta and fetal gut: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
S Rautava, MC Collado, S Salminen, E Isolauri
Neonatology 102 (3), 178-184, 2012
Maternal probiotic supplementation during pregnancy and breast-feeding reduces the risk of eczema in the infant
S Rautava, E Kainonen, S Salminen, E Isolauri
Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 130 (6), 1355-1360, 2012
Specific probiotics in reducing the risk of acute infections in infancy–a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
S Rautava, S Salminen, E Isolauri
British Journal of Nutrition 101 (11), 1722-1726, 2008
Impact of maternal atopy and probiotic supplementation during pregnancy on infant sensitization: a double‐blind placebo‐controlled study
A Huurre, K Laitinen, S Rautava, M Korkeamäki, E Isolauri
Clinical & Experimental Allergy 38 (8), 1342-1348, 2008
The hygiene hypothesis of atopic disease—an extended version
S Rautava, O Ruuskanen, A Ouwehand, S Salminen, E Isolauri
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition 38 (4), 378-388, 2004
Specific probiotics in enhancing maturation of IgA responses in formula-fed infants
S Rautava, H Arvilommi, E Isolauri
Pediatric research 60 (2), 221-224, 2006
Epigenetic matters: the link between early nutrition, microbiome, and long-term health development
F Indrio, S Martini, R Francavilla, L Corvaglia, F Cristofori, SA Mastrolia, ...
Frontiers in pediatrics 5, 178, 2017
New therapeutic strategy for combating the increasing burden of allergic disease: probiotics—a Nutrition, Allergy, Mucosal Immunology and Intestinal Microbiota (NAMI) Research …
S Rautava, M Kalliomäki, E Isolauri
Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 116 (1), 31-37, 2005
Breast milk microbiota is shaped by mode of delivery and intrapartum antibiotic exposure
H Hermansson, H Kumar, MC Collado, S Salminen, E Isolauri, S Rautava
Frontiers in nutrition 6, 4, 2019
Role of probiotics in food hypersensitivity
E Isolauri, S Rautava, M Kalliomäki, P Kirjavainen, S Salminen
Current opinion in allergy and clinical immunology 2 (3), 263-271, 2002
Neonatal antibiotic exposure impairs child growth during the first six years of life by perturbing intestinal microbial colonization
A Uzan-Yulzari, O Turta, A Belogolovski, O Ziv, C Kunz, S Perschbacher, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 443, 2021
Probiotics prevent necrotizing enterocolitis by modulating enterocyte genes that regulate innate immune-mediated inflammation
K Ganguli, D Meng, S Rautava, L Lu, WA Walker, N Nanthakumar
American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 304 (2 …, 2013
Antibiotics, obesity and the link to microbes-what are we doing to our children?
O Turta, S Rautava
BMC medicine 14, 1-6, 2016
Early microbial contact, the breast milk microbiome and child health
S Rautava
Journal of developmental origins of health and disease 7 (1), 5-14, 2016
Human milk oligosaccharide categories define the microbiota composition in human colostrum
J Aakko, H Kumar, S Rautava, A Wise, C Autran, L Bode, E Isolauri, ...
Beneficial microbes 8 (4), 563-567, 2017
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