H. Luke Shaefer
H. Luke Shaefer
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$2.00 a day: Living on almost nothing in America
K Edin, HL Shaefer
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015
Nonstandard work schedules: Employer-and employee-driven flexibility in retail jobs
JR Henly, HL Shaefer, E Waxman
Social service review 80 (4), 609-634, 2006
Rising extreme poverty in the United States and the response of federal means-tested transfer programs
HL Shaefer, K Edin
Social Service Review 87 (2), 250-268, 2013
Racial and ethnic disparities in the lifetime prevalence of homelessness in the United States
VA Fusaro, HG Levy, HL Shaefer
Demography 55, 2119-2128, 2018
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and material hardships among low-income households with children
HL Shaefer, IA Gutierrez
Social Service Review 87 (4), 753-779, 2013
A universal child allowance: A plan to reduce poverty and income instability among children in the United States
HL Shaefer, S Collyer, G Duncan, K Edin, I Garfinkel, D Harris, ...
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 4 (2), 22-42, 2018
Many of the kids are not alright: Material hardship among children in the United States
R Rodems, HL Shaefer
Children and Youth Services Review 112, 104767, 2020
Unemployment Insurance participation by education and by race and ethnicity
A Gould-Werth, HL Shaefer
Monthly Lab. Rev. 135, 28, 2012
Extreme poverty in the United States, 1996-2011
HL Shaefer, K Edin
National Poverty Center, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University …, 2012
The effects of income on the economic wellbeing of families with low incomes: Evidence from the 2021 expanded Child Tax Credit
N Pilkauskas, K Michelmore, N Kovski, HL Shaefer
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022
Do single mothers in the United States use the Earned Income Tax Credit to reduce unsecured debt?
HL Shaefer, X Song, TR Williams Shanks
Review of Economics of the Household 11, 659-680, 2013
The decline of cash assistance and the well-being of poor households with children
HL Shaefer, K Edin, V Fusaro, P Wu
Social Forces 98 (3), 1000-1025, 2020
Understanding the dynamics of $2-a-day poverty in the United States
HL Shaefer, K Edin, E Talbert
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 1 (1), 120-138, 2015
Part-time workers: some key differences between primary and secondary earners
HL Shaefer
Monthly Lab. Rev. 132, 3, 2009
Identifying key barriers to unemployment insurance for disadvantaged workers in the United States
HL Shaefer
Journal of social policy 39 (3), 439-460, 2010
Material hardship and mental health following the COVID-19 relief bill and American rescue plan act
P Cooney, HL Shaefer
Ann Arbor, Michigan: Poverty Solutions, University of Michigan, 2021
From welfare to a work-based safety net: An incomplete transition
SK Danziger, S Danziger, KS Seefeldt, HL Shaefer
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 35 (1), 231-238, 2016
Dental therapists: evidence of technical competence
E Phillips, HL Shaefer
Journal of Dental Research 92 (7_suppl), S11-S15, 2013
Toward a better understanding of dental appointment‐keeping behavior
A Lapidos, HL Shaefer, A Gwozdek
Community dentistry and oral epidemiology 44 (1), 85-91, 2016
Expanding the discourse on antipoverty policy: Reconsidering a negative income tax
J Wiederspan, E Rhodes, HL Shaefer
Journal of Poverty 19 (2), 218-238, 2015
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