Wai Keen Vong
Cited by
Cited by
Mitigating belief projection in explainable artificial intelligence via Bayesian teaching
SCH Yang, WK Vong, RB Sojitra, T Folke, P Shafto
Scientific reports 11 (1), 9863, 2021
Grounded language acquisition through the eyes and ears of a single child
WK Vong, W Wang, AE Orhan, BM Lake
Science 383 (6682), 504-511, 2024
Fast and flexible: Human program induction in abstract reasoning tasks
A Johnson, WK Vong, BM Lake, TM Gureckis
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.05823, 2021
Abstract visual reasoning with tangram shapes
A Ji, N Kojima, N Rush, A Suhr, WK Vong, RD Hawkins, Y Artzi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.16492, 2022
Optimal cooperative inference
SCH Yang, Y Yu, P Wang, WK Vong, P Shafto
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 376-385, 2018
The effects of information utility and teachers’ knowledge on evaluations of under-informative pedagogy across development
I Bass, E Bonawitz, D Hawthorne-Madell, WK Vong, ND Goodman, ...
Cognition 222, 104999, 2022
The helpfulness of category labels in semi-supervised learning depends on category structure
WK Vong, DJ Navarro, A Perfors
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 23, 230-238, 2016
Do additional features help or hurt category learning? The curse of dimensionality in human learners
WK Vong, AT Hendrickson, DJ Navarro, A Perfors
Cognitive science 43 (3), e12724, 2019
Learning time-varying categories
DJ Navarro, A Perfors, WK Vong
Memory & cognition 41, 917-927, 2013
A unifying computational framework for teaching and active learning
SCH Yang, WK Vong, Y Yu, P Shafto
Topics in cognitive science 11 (2), 316-337, 2019
Finding Structure in One Child's Linguistic Experience
W Wang, WK Vong, N Kim, BM Lake
Cognitive science 47 (6), e13305, 2023
Cross‐Situational Word Learning With Multimodal Neural Networks
WK Vong, BM Lake
Cognitive science 46 (4), e13122, 2022
A developmentally-inspired examination of shape versus texture bias in machines
AR Tartaglini, WK Vong, BM Lake
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.08340, 2022
The role of sampling assumptions in generalization with multiple categories
WK Vong, AT Hendrickson, A Perfors, DJ Navarro
Few-shot image classification by generating natural language rules
WK Vong, BM Lake
ACL Workshop on Learning with Natural Language Supervision, 2022
Cross-situational word learning from naturalistic headcam data
WK Vong, E Orhan, B Lake
34th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing 2, 2021
Bayesian Teaching of Image Categories.
WK Vong, RB Sojitra, A Reyes, SCH Yang, P Shafto
CogSci, 2018
Name that state: How language affects human reinforcement learning
A Radulescu, WK Vong, TM Gureckis
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 44 (44), 2022
Deep neural networks can learn generalizable same-different visual relations
AR Tartaglini, S Feucht, MA Lepori, WK Vong, C Lovering, BM Lake, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.09612, 2023
Learning word-referent mappings and concepts from raw inputs
WK Vong, BM Lake
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.05573, 2020
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Articles 1–20