Asier Zubiaga
Asier Zubiaga
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Self-compensation in semiconductors: The Zn vacancy in Ga-doped ZnO
DC Look, KD Leedy, L Vines, BG Svensson, A Zubiaga, F Tuomisto, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (11), 115202, 2011
Zinc vacancy and oxygen interstitial in ZnO revealed by sequential annealing and electron irradiation
KE Knutsen, A Galeckas, A Zubiaga, F Tuomisto, GC Farlow, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (12), 121203, 2012
Identification of substitutional Li in -type ZnO and its role as an acceptor
KM Johansen, A Zubiaga, I Makkonen, F Tuomisto, PT Neuvonen, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (24), 245208, 2011
Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy of ZnO bulk samples
A Zubiaga, F Plazaola, JA Garcia, F Tuomisto, V Muñoz-Sanjosé, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (8), 085202, 2007
Zinc vacancies in the heteroepitaxy of ZnO on sapphire: Influence of the substrate orientation and layer thickness
A Zubiaga, F Tuomisto, F Plazaola, K Saarinen, JA Garcia, ...
Applied Physics Letters 86 (4), 2005
Mechanisms of electrical isolation in -irradiated ZnO
A Zubiaga, F Tuomisto, VA Coleman, HH Tan, C Jagadish, K Koike, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (3), 035125, 2008
Correlation between Zn vacancies and photoluminescence emission in ZnO films
A Zubiaga, JA Garcia, F Plazaola, F Tuomisto, K Saarinen, J Zuñiga Pérez, ...
Journal of applied physics 99 (5), 2006
Defect evolution and impurity migration in Na-implanted ZnO
PT Neuvonen, L Vines, V Venkatachalapathy, A Zubiaga, F Tuomisto, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (20), 205202, 2011
Positron annihilation spectroscopy for the determination of thickness and defect profile in thin semiconductor layers
A Zubiaga, JA Garcia, F Plazaola, F Tuomisto, J Zuniga-Perez, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (20), 205305, 2007
Near band edge recombination mechanisms in GaTe
A Zubiaga, JA García, F Plazaola, V Muñoz-Sanjosé, C Martínez-Tomás
Physical Review B 68 (24), 245202, 2003
H passivation of Li on Zn-site in ZnO: Positron annihilation spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry
KM Johansen, A Zubiaga, F Tuomisto, EV Monakhov, AY Kuznetsov, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (11), 115203, 2011
The assessment of pore connectivity in hierarchical zeolites using positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy: instrumental and morphological aspects
A Zubiaga, R Warringham, M Boltz, D Cooke, P Crivelli, D Gidley, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (13), 9211-9219, 2016
Recombination processes in unintentionally doped GaTe single crystals
A Zubiaga, JA Garcıa, F Plazaola, V Muñoz-Sanjosé, MC Martınez-Tomás
Journal of applied physics 92 (12), 7330-7336, 2002
Insights into the mechanism of zeolite detemplation by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy
R Warringham, L Gerchow, A Zubiaga, D Cooke, P Crivelli, S Mitchell, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (44), 25451-25461, 2016
Native vacancy defects in Zn1− x (Mn, Co) xGeAs2 studied with positron annihilation spectroscopy
L Kilanski, A Zubiaga, F Tuomisto, W Dobrowolski, V Domukhovski, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (1), 2009
Full-correlation single-particle positron potentials for a positron and positronium interacting with atoms
A Zubiaga, F Tuomisto, MJ Puska
Physical Review A 89 (5), 052707, 2014
Changing vacancy balance in ZnO by tuning synthesis between zinc/oxygen lean conditions
V Venkatachalapathy, A Galeckas, A Zubiaga, F Tuomisto, AY Kuznetsov
Journal of Applied Physics 108 (4), 2010
Modeling positronium beyond the single particle approximation
A Zubiaga, MM Ervasti, I Makkonen, A Harju, F Tuomisto, MJ Puska
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 49 (6), 064005, 2016
Characterization of non-polar ZnO layers with positron annihilation spectroscopy
A Zubiaga, F Tuomisto, J Zuniga-Perez, V Muñoz-San José
Acta Physica Polonica A 114 (5), 1257-1264, 2008
Pore topology effects in positron annihilation spectroscopy of zeolites
A Zubiaga, R Warringham, S Mitchell, L Gerchow, D Cooke, P Crivelli, ...
ChemPhysChem 18 (5), 470-479, 2017
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Articles 1–20