Glen Lichtwark
Glen Lichtwark
School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Queensland University of Technology
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Muscle fascicle and series elastic element length changes along the length of the human gastrocnemius during walking and running
GA Lichtwark, K Bougoulias, AM Wilson
Journal of biomechanics 40 (1), 157-164, 2007
In vivo mechanical properties of the human Achilles tendon during one-legged hopping
GA Lichtwark, AM Wilson
Journal of experimental biology 208 (24), 4715-4725, 2005
Interactions between the human gastrocnemius muscle and the Achilles tendon during incline, level and decline locomotion
GA Lichtwark, AM Wilson
Journal of Experimental Biology 209 (21), 4379-4388, 2006
Intrinsic foot muscles have the capacity to control deformation of the longitudinal arch
LA Kelly, AG Cresswell, S Racinais, R Whiteley, G Lichtwark
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 11 (93), 20131188, 2014
Gross muscle morphology and structure in spastic cerebral palsy: a systematic review
RS Barrett, GA Lichtwark
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 52 (9), 794-804, 2010
Is Achilles tendon compliance optimised for maximum muscle efficiency during locomotion?
GA Lichtwark, AM Wilson
Journal of biomechanics 40 (8), 1768-1775, 2007
Optimal muscle fascicle length and tendon stiffness for maximising gastrocnemius efficiency during human walking and running
GA Lichtwark, AM Wilson
Journal of theoretical biology 252 (4), 662-673, 2008
Automatic tracking of medial gastrocnemius fascicle length during human locomotion
NJ Cronin, CP Carty, RS Barrett, G Lichtwark
Journal of applied physiology 111 (5), 1491-1496, 2011
Active regulation of longitudinal arch compression and recoil during walking and running
LA Kelly, G Lichtwark, AG Cresswell
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12 (102), 20141076, 2015
UltraTrack: Software for semi-automated tracking of muscle fascicles in sequences of B-mode ultrasound images
DJ Farris, GA Lichtwark
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 128, 111-118, 2016
The functional importance of human foot muscles for bipedal locomotion
DJ Farris, LA Kelly, AG Cresswell, GA Lichtwark
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (5), 1645-1650, 2019
Medial gastrocnemius muscle volume and fascicle length in children aged 2 to 5 years with cerebral palsy
LEE Barber, T HASTINGS‐ISON, R Baker, ROD Barrett, G Lichtwark
Developmental medicine & child neurology 53 (6), 543-548, 2011
The mechanism for efficacy of eccentric loading in Achilles tendon injury; an in vivo study in humans
JD Rees, GA Lichtwark, RL Wolman, AM Wilson
Rheumatology 47 (10), 1493-1497, 2008
In vivo behavior of the human soleus muscle with increasing walking and running speeds
A Lai, GA Lichtwark, AG Schache, YC Lin, NAT Brown, MG Pandy
Journal of applied physiology 118 (10), 1266-1275, 2015
Validation of a freehand 3D ultrasound system for morphological measures of the medial gastrocnemius muscle
L Barber, R Barrett, G Lichtwark
Journal of biomechanics 42 (9), 1313-1319, 2009
Passive muscle mechanical properties of the medial gastrocnemius in young adults with spastic cerebral palsy
L Barber, R Barrett, G Lichtwark
Journal of biomechanics 44 (13), 2496-2500, 2011
Medial gastrocnemius muscle fascicle active torque-length and Achilles tendon properties in young adults with spastic cerebral palsy
L Barber, R Barrett, G Lichtwark
Journal of biomechanics 45 (15), 2526-2530, 2012
A catapult action for rapid limb protraction
AM Wilson, JC Watson, GA Lichtwark
Nature 421 (6918), 35-36, 2003
The use of ultrasound to study muscle–tendon function in human posture and locomotion
NJ Cronin, G Lichtwark
Gait & posture 37 (3), 305-312, 2013
Muscle growth is reduced in 15‐month‐old children with cerebral palsy
A Herskind, A Ritterband‐Rosenbaum, M Willerslev‐Olsen, J Lorentzen, ...
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 58 (5), 485-491, 2016
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