Taru Peltola
Taru Peltola
University of Eastern Finland; Finnish Environment Institute SYKE
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Learning and the transformative potential of citizen science
G Bela, T Peltola, JC Young, B Balázs, I Arpin, G Pataki, J Hauck, ...
Conservation Biology 30 (5), 990-999, 2016
Empirian ja teorian vuoropuhelu
T Peltola
Teoksessa M. Laine, J. Bamberg & P. Jokinen (toim.) Tapaustutkimuksen taito …, 2007
Innovation in citizen science–perspectives on science-policy advances
S Hecker, R Bonney, M Haklay, F Hölker, H Hofer, C Goebel, M Gold, ...
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 3 (1), 4-4, 2018
Actionable knowledge for land use planning: Making ecosystem services operational
L Brunet, J Tuomisaari, S Lavorel, E Crouzat, A Bierry, T Peltola, I Arpin
Land use policy 72, 27-34, 2018
Attentive, speculative experimental research for sustainability transitions: an exploration in sustainable eating
M Kaljonen, T Peltola, M Salo, E Furman
Journal of Cleaner Production 206, 365-373, 2019
Institutional change from the margins of natural resource use: The emergence of small-scale bioenergy production within industrial forestry in Finland
M Åkerman, A Kilpiö, T Peltola
Forest Policy and Economics 12 (3), 181-188, 2010
How scientific visions matter: insights from three long-term socio-ecological research (LTSER) platforms under construction in Europe
I Mauz, T Peltola, C Granjou, S Van Bommel, A Buijs
Environmental Science & Policy 19, 90-99, 2012
Metsän uusi aika: Kohden monipuolisempaa metsäalan elinkeinorakennetta
A Niskanen, J Donner-Amnell, S Häyrynen, T Peltola
Joensuun yliopisto Metsätieteellinen tiedekuntaSilva Carelica 53, 2008
Response-ability in wolf–dog conflicts
T Peltola, J Heikkilä
European Journal of Wildlife Research 61, 711-721, 2015
Increased biomass harvesting for bioenergy:-effects on biodiversity, landscape amenities and cultural heritage values
E Framstad, H Berglund, V Gundersen, R Heikkilä, N Lankinen, T Peltola, ...
Nordic Council of Ministers, 2009
Making a difference: Forest biodiversity, affective capacities, and the micro-politics of expert fieldwork
T Peltola, J Tuomisaari
Geoforum 64, 1-11, 2015
Citizen science and environmental protection agencies: Engaging citizens to address key environmental challenges
JM Rubio-Iglesias, T Edovald, R Grew, T Kark, AE Kideys, T Peltola, ...
Frontiers in Climate 2, 600998, 2020
How does natural resource accounting become powerful in policymaking? A case study of changing calculative frames in local energy policy in Finland
M Åkerman, T Peltola
Ecological Economics 80, 63-69, 2012
Paikallisen energiahuollon ympäristöpoliittinen liikkumavara: vaihtoehtoiset teknologiat, poliittiset käytännöt ja toimijuus
T Peltola
Tampere University Press, 2007
Integrating environmental policies into local practices: The politics of agri-environmental and energy policies in rural Finland
M Åkerman, M Kaljonen, T Peltola
Local Environment 10 (6), 595-611, 2005
Kasvisruokaa kouluun–kokeileva tutkimus ruokavaliomurroksen tukena
M Kaljonen, T Peltola, M Kettunen, M Salo, E Furman
Alue ja ympäristö 47 (2), 32-47, 2018
Outlaws or protected? DNA, hybrids, and biopolitics in a Finnish wolf-poaching case
T Peltola, J Heikkilä
Society & Animals 26 (2), 197-216, 2018
Puuenergia, metsätalouden toimintakentän muutos ja sosiaalinen kestävyys
LA Leskinen, T Peltola, M Åkerman
Metsätieteen aikakauskirja 2006 (2), 293-304, 2006
Emergent publics and affects in environmental governance
T Peltola, M Åkerman, J Bamberg, P Lehtonen, O Ratamäki
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 20 (2), 157-169, 2018
Salametsästys ja oikeuttamisen yhteisölliset strategiat
T Peltola, O Ratamäki, J Pellikka
Korpisosiologi(aa), 208-223, 2013
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