Waldemar Kulig
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Cited by
Multiscale simulations of biological membranes: the challenge to understand biological phenomena in a living substance
G Enkavi, M Javanainen, W Kulig, T Róg, I Vattulainen
Chemical reviews 119 (9), 5607-5774, 2019
Cholesterol oxidation products and their biological importance
W Kulig, L Cwiklik, P Jurkiewicz, T Rog, I Vattulainen
Chemistry and physics of lipids 199, 144-160, 2016
Mechanism of allosteric regulation of β2-adrenergic receptor by cholesterol
M Manna, M Niemelä, J Tynkkynen, M Javanainen, W Kulig, DJ Müller, ...
Elife 5, e18432, 2016
Toward atomistic resolution structure of phosphatidylcholine headgroup and glycerol backbone at different ambient conditions
A Botan, F Favela-Rosales, PFJ Fuchs, M Javanainen, M Kanduc, W Kulig, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119 (49), 15075-15088, 2015
A ‘clusters-in-liquid’method for calculating infrared spectra identifies the proton-transfer mode in acidic aqueous solutions
W Kulig, N Agmon
Nature chemistry 5 (1), 29-35, 2013
Cholesterol under oxidative stress—How lipid membranes sense oxidation as cholesterol is being replaced by oxysterols
W Kulig, A Olżyńska, P Jurkiewicz, AM Kantola, S Komulainen, M Manna, ...
Free radical biology and medicine 84, 30-41, 2015
Cis and trans unsaturated phosphatidylcholine bilayers: A molecular dynamics simulation study
W Kulig, M Pasenkiewicz-Gierula, T Róg
Chemistry and physics of lipids 195, 12-20, 2016
Topologies, structures and parameter files for lipid simulations in GROMACS with the OPLS-aa force field: DPPC, POPC, DOPC, PEPC, and cholesterol
W Kulig, M Pasenkiewicz-Gierula, T Róg
Data in brief 5, 333-336, 2015
Both Zundel and Eigen Isomers Contribute to the IR Spectrum of the Gas-Phase H9O4+ Cluster
W Kulig, N Agmon
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (1), 278-286, 2014
Experimental determination and computational interpretation of biophysical properties of lipid bilayers enriched by cholesteryl hemisuccinate
W Kulig, P Jurkiewicz, A Olżyńska, J Tynkkynen, M Javanainen, M Manna, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1848 (2), 422-432, 2015
How well does cholesteryl hemisuccinate mimic cholesterol in saturated phospholipid bilayers?
W Kulig, J Tynkkynen, M Javanainen, M Manna, T Rog, I Vattulainen, ...
Journal of molecular modeling 20, 1-9, 2014
The role of hydrophobic matching on transmembrane helix packing in cells
B Grau, M Javanainen, MJ García-Murria, W Kulig, I Vattulainen, ...
Cell stress 1 (2), 90, 2017
A sodium atom in a large water cluster: Electron delocalization and infrared spectra
L Cwiklik, U Buck, W Kulig, P Kubisiak, P Jungwirth
The Journal of chemical physics 128 (15), 2008
Mcl-1 and Bok transmembrane domains: Unexpected players in the modulation of apoptosis
E Lucendo, M Sancho, F Lolicato, M Javanainen, W Kulig, D Leiva, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (45), 27980-27988, 2020
Complex behavior of phosphatidylcholine–phosphatidic acid bilayers and monolayers: Effect of acyl chain unsaturation
W Kulig, H Korolainen, M Zatorska, U Kwolek, P Wydro, M Kepczynski, ...
Langmuir 35 (17), 5944-5956, 2019
How to minimize dye-induced perturbations while studying biomembrane structure and dynamics: PEG linkers as a rational alternative
E Mobarak, M Javanainen, W Kulig, A Honigmann, E Sezgin, N Aho, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1860 (11), 2436-2445, 2018
Deciphering the infrared spectrum of the protonated water pentamer and the hybrid Eigen–Zundel cation
W Kulig, N Agmon
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (10), 4933-4941, 2014
Tail-oxidized cholesterol enhances membrane permeability for small solutes
A Olzynska, W Kulig, H Mikkolainen, T Czerniak, P Jurkiewicz, L Cwiklik, ...
Langmuir 36 (35), 10438-10447, 2020
Reduced level of docosahexaenoic acid shifts GPCR neuroreceptors to less ordered membrane regions
M Javanainen, G Enkavi, R Guixà-Gonzaléz, W Kulig, H Martinez-Seara, ...
PLoS computational biology 15 (5), e1007033, 2019
Oxysterols versus cholesterol in model neuronal membrane. I. The case of 7-ketocholesterol. The Langmuir monolayer study
A Wnętrzak, K Makyła-Juzak, A Filiczkowska, W Kulig, ...
The Journal of Membrane Biology 250, 553-564, 2017
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Articles 1–20