Manel Zarrouk
Manel Zarrouk
LIPN - Institut Galilée - Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Www'18 open challenge: financial opinion mining and question answering
M Maia, S Handschuh, A Freitas, B Davis, R McDermott, M Zarrouk, ...
Companion proceedings of the the web conference 2018, 1941-1942, 2018
Semeval-2017 task 5: Fine-grained sentiment analysis on financial microblogs and news
K Cortis, A Freitas, T Daudert, M Huerlimann, M Zarrouk, S Handschuh, ...
Proceedings of the 11th international workshop on semantic evaluation …, 2017
Predicting CEFR levels in learners of English: The use of microsystem criterial features in a machine learning approach
T Gaillat, A Simpkin, N Ballier, B Stearns, A Sousa, M Bouyé, M Zarrouk
ReCALL 34 (2), 130-146, 2022
SemR-11: A multi-lingual gold-standard for semantic similarity and relatedness for eleven languages
S Barzegar, B Davis, M Zarrouk, S Handschuh, A Freitas
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2018
Multilingual multimodal machine translation for Dravidian languages utilizing phonetic transcription
BR Chakravarthi, R Priyadharshini, B Stearns, AK Jayapal, S Sridevy, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Technologies for MT of Low Resource …, 2019
Inference and reconciliation in a crowdsourced lexical-semantic network
M Zarrouk, M Lafourcade, A Joubert
Computación y Sistemas 17 (2), 147-159, 2013
Lux (linguistic aspects under examination): Discourse analysis for automatic fake news classification
L Azevedo, M d’Aquin, B Davis, M Zarrouk
The Joint Conference of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for …, 2021
A supervised learning model for the automatic assessment of language levels based on learner errors
N Ballier, T Gaillat, A Simpkin, B Stearns, M Bouyé, M Zarrouk
Transforming Learning with Meaningful Technologies: 14th European Conference …, 2019
Implicit and explicit aspect extraction in financial microblogs
T Gaillat, B Stearns, R McDermott, G Sridhar, M Zarrouk, B Davis
About inferences in a crowdsourced lexical-semantic network
M Lafourcade, M Zarrouk, A Joubert
Proceedings of the 14th conference of the European chapter of the …, 2014
The SSIX corpora: Three gold standard corpora for sentiment analysis in English, Spanish and German financial microblogs
T Gaillat, M Zarrouk, A Freitas, B Davis
LREC: Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2671-2675, 2018
Type theories and lexical networks: Using serious games as the basis for multi-sorted typed systems
S Chatzikyriakidis, M Lafourcade, L Ramadier, M Zarrouk
Journal of Language Modelling 5 (2), 229-272, 2017
In or Out? Real-Time Monitoring of BREXIT sentiment on Twitter
L Vasiliu, A Freitas, F Caroli, S Handschuh, R McDermott, M Zarrouk, ...
SEMANTICS 2016, 2016
Spreading relation annotations in a lexical semantic network applied to radiology
L Ramadier, M Zarrouk, M Lafourcade, A Micheau
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 15th …, 2014
Inductive and deductive inferences in a Crowdsourced Lexical-Semantic Network
M Zarrouk, M Lafourcade, A Joubert
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural …, 2013
Frequent Patterns mining in time-sensitive Data Stream
M Zarrouk, MS Gouider
International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 2012
FinSentiA: sentiment analysis in English financial microblogs
T Gaillat, A Sousa, M Zarrouk, B Davis
Conférence CORIA TALN 2018, 271-280, 2018
CoSACT: A collaborative tool for fine-grained sentiment annotation and consolidation of text
T Daudert, M Zarrouk, B Davis
Proceedings of the first workshop on financial technology and natural …, 2019
Inferring Knowledge with Word Refinements in a Crowdsourced Lexical-Semantic Network
M Zarrouk, M Lafourcade
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on …, 2014
Annotations et inférences de relations dans un réseau lexico-sémantique: application à la radiologie
L Ramadier, M Zarrouk, M Lafourcade, A Micheau
TALN: Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, 2014
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