Nathan Davies
Nathan Davies
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Internet-Based Interventions Aimed at Supporting Family Caregivers of People With Dementia: Systematic Review
J Hopwood, N Walker, L McDonagh, G Rait, K Walters, S Iliffe, J Ross, ...
Journal of Medical Internet Researchers 20 (6), 2018
Factors influencing sexual and reproductive health of Muslim women: a systematic review
N Alomair, S Alageel, N Davies, JV Bailey
Reproductive health 17, 1-15, 2020
Quality end-of-life care for dementia: What have family carers told us so far? A narrative synthesis
N Davies, L Maio, G Rait, S Iliffe
Palliative Medicine 28 (7), 919-930, 2014
Barriers to the provision of high-quality palliative care for people with dementia in England: a qualitative study of professionals' experiences
N Davies, L Maio, K Vedavanam, J Manthorpe, M Vernooij-Dassen, S Iliffe
Health and Social Care in the Community 22 (4), 386-394, 2013
Supporting families in end-of-life care and bereavement in the COVID-19 era
KJ Moore, EL Sampson, N Kupeli, N Davies
International psychogeriatrics 32 (10), 1245-1248, 2020
Enteral tube feeding for people with severe dementia
N Davies, Y Barrado-Martin, V Vickerstaff, G Rait, A Fukui, B Candy, ...
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2021
Quality palliative care for cancer and dementia in five European countries: some common challenges
N Davies, L Maio, JR Paap, E Mariani, B Jaspers, R Sommerbakk, ...
Aging & Mental Health 18 (4), 400-410, 2014
A qualitative study exploring the difficulties influencing decision making at the end of life for people with dementia
K Lamahewa, R Mathew, S Iliffe, J Manthorpe, EL Sampson, N Davies
Health Expectations, 2017
Family caregivers’ conceptualisation of quality end-of-life care for people with dementia: A qualitative study
N Davies, G Rait, L Maio, S Iliffe
Palliative Medicine 31 (8), 726-733, 2016
Defining end of life in dementia: a systematic review
B Browne, N Kupeli, KJ Moore, EL Sampson, N Davies
Palliative medicine 35 (10), 1733-1746, 2021
Decision aids to support decision-making in dementia care: a systematic review
N Davies, B Schiowitz, G Rait, V Vickerstaff, EL Sampson
International psychogeriatrics 31 (10), 1403-1419, 2019
Improving the organization of palliative care: identification of barriers and facilitators in five European countries
J van Riet Paap, M Vernooij-Dassen, F Brouwer, F Meiland, S Iliffe, ...
Implementation Science 9, 1-10, 2014
Strategies employed by older people to manage loneliness: systematic review of qualitative studies and model development
K Kharicha, J Manthorpe, S Iliffe, N Davies, K Walters
International psychogeriatrics 30 (12), 1767-1781, 2018
A co-design process developing heuristics for practitioners providing end of life care for people with dementia
N Davies, R Mathew, J Wilcock, J Manthorpe, EL Sampson, K Lamahewa, ...
BMC Palliative Care 15 (68), 2016
Palliative care services for people with dementia: A synthesis of the literature reporting the views and experiences of professionals and family carers
M Raymond, A Warner, N Davies, J Manthorpe, S Ahmedzhai, S Iliffe
Dementia: The international journal of social research and practice 13 (1 …, 2014
Sexual and reproductive health knowledge, perceptions and experiences of women in Saudi Arabia: a qualitative study
N Alomair, S Alageel, N Davies, JV Bailey
Ethnicity & Health 27 (6), 1310-1328, 2022
Comparing thought suppression and mindfulness as coping techniques for spider fear
N Hooper, N Davies, L Davies, L McHugh
Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4), 1824-1830, 2011
The use of modified mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy program for family caregivers of people living with dementia: a feasibility study
DSK Cheung, PPK Kor, C Jones, N Davies, W Moyle, WT Chien, ALK Yip, ...
Asian Nursing Research 14 (4), 221-230, 2020
Modelling the landscape of palliative care for people with dementia: a European mixed methods study
Iliffe S, Davies N, Vernooij-Dassen M, van Riet
BMC Palliative care 12 (30), 2013
Nutrition and hydration for people living with dementia near the end of life: A qualitative systematic review
Y Barrado‐Martín, L Hatter, KJ Moore, EL Sampson, G Rait, J Manthorpe, ...
Journal of advanced nursing 77 (2), 664-680, 2021
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