Kinh Tieu
Kinh Tieu
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Cited by
Boosting image retrieval
K Tieu, P Viola
International Journal of Computer Vision 56, 17-36, 2004
Learning semantic scene models by trajectory analysis
X Wang, K Tieu, E Grimson
Computer Vision–ECCV 2006: 9th European Conference on Computer Vision, Graz …, 2006
Fully automatic pose-invariant face recognition via 3D pose normalization
A Asthana, TK Marks, MJ Jones, KH Tieu, MV Rohith
2011 international conference on computer vision, 937-944, 2011
Inference of non-overlapping camera network topology by measuring statistical dependence
K Tieu, G Dalley, WEL Grimson
Tenth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'05) Volume 1 2 …, 2005
Automated multi-camera planar tracking correspondence modeling
C Stauffer, K Tieu
2003 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2003
Systems and methods for object identification using a three-dimensional scanning system
C Dal Mutto, K Tieu, T Zuccarino, J Trachewsky, A Rafii
US Patent 10,579,875, 2020
Learning pedestrian models for silhouette refinement
Lee, Dalley, Tieu
Proceedings Ninth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 663-670 …, 2003
Correspondence-free activity analysis and scene modeling in multiple camera views
X Wang, K Tieu, EL Grimson
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 32 (1), 56-71, 2008
Systems and methods for inspection and defect detection using 3-D scanning
A Memo, D Demirdjian, G Marin, K Tieu, F Peruch, P Salvagnini, G Murali, ...
US Patent App. 15/974,595, 2018
System and method for three-dimensional scanning and for capturing a bidirectional reflectance distribution function
G Marin, A Rafii, C Dal Mutto, K Tieu, G Murali, A Memo
US Patent 10,055,882, 2018
System and method for assisted 3D scanning
F Peruch, G Murali, G Marin, A Rafii, K Tieu
US Patent 9,912,862, 2018
Systems and methods for keypoint detection with convolutional neural networks
P Di Febbo, C Dal Mutto, K Tieu
US Patent 11,379,688, 2022
Systems and methods for defect detection
M Stoppa, F Peruch, G Pasqualotto, A Hazeghi, P Salvagnini, C Dal Mutto, ...
US Patent App. 15/866,217, 2018
Perirhinal-amygdala circuit-level computational model of temporal encoding in fear conditioning
KH Tieu, AL Keidel, JP McGann, B Faulkner, TH Brown
Psychobiology 27 (1), 1-25, 1999
Color eigenflows: Statistical modeling of joint color changes
EG Miller, K Tieu
Proceedings Eighth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. ICCV …, 2001
Estimating arrival rates from the RED packet drop history
S Floyd, K Fall, K Tieu
Draft paper, 1998
Pose Normalization via Learned 2D Warping for Fully Automatic Face Recognition.
A Asthana, MJ Jones, TK Marks, KH Tieu, R Goecke
BMVC, 1-11, 2011
Systems and methods for volumetric sizing
F Peruch, G Pasqualotto, G Murali, E Cheng, K Tieu
US Patent 11,341,350, 2022
Correspondence-free multi-camera activity analysis and scene modeling
X Wang, K Tieu, WEL Grimson
2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1-8, 2008
Kcnn: Extremely-efficient hardware keypoint detection with a compact convolutional neural network
P Di Febbo, C Dal Mutto, K Tieu, S Mattoccia
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
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Articles 1–20