Katarzyna Marak
Japanese and American Horror: A Comparative Study of Film, Fiction, Graphic Novels and Video Games
K Marak
McFarland, 2014
Aspekty funkcjonowania gier cyfrowych we współczesnej kulturze: studia przypadków
K Marak, M Markocki
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2016
Memy internetowe: informacja i transformacja w sieci
K Marak
Netlor. Wiedza cyfrowych tubylców, 133-165, 2013
Independent horror games between 2010 and 2020: Selected characteristic features and discernible trends
K Marak
Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and …, 2021
Gameplay, Emotions and Narrative: Independent Games Experienced
K Marak, M Markocki, D Brzostek
Carnegie Mellon University: ETC Press, Pittsburgh, PA, 2019
“If the dog dies, I quit”: Blair Witch and the problems of contemporary psychological horror games
K Marak
Studia Humanistyczne AGH 20 (2), 57-70, 2021
Walking through the Past: The Mechanics and Player Experience of Haunting, Obsession and Trauma in Layers of Fear
K Marak
Theoria et Historia Scientiarum 14, 55-69, 2017
Odgłosy w bezgłosie : niesamowitość dźwięku według Davida Toopa
K Marak
Teksty Drugie: teoria literatury, krytyka, interpretacja 5 (155), 71-87, 2015
Benefits of Including Let’s Play Recordings in Close Readings of Digital Game Texts: Discussing Multiple Player Competences in Selected Game Texts
K Marak
Paratextualizing Games: Investigations on the Paraphernalia and Peripheries …, 2021
The Next Level of Horror Entertainment: Facing Fear in Cooperative Interactive Drama Survival Horror Games
K Marak, M Markocki, P Siuda
57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2024, 2674-2683, 2024
Thanatomorphose and Contracted: Feminine body and sexuality in horror and the horror of feminine body and sexuality
K Marak, N Strehlau
Literatura i Kultura Popularna 24, 187 - 197, 2018
The Confusing Spiral: The Adaptation of Junji Itō’s Uzumaki in the Eyes of Non-Japanese Audiences
K Marak
Silva Iaponicarum 49, 11-23, 2016
Horror w ujęciu komparatystycznym : wybrane motywy we współczesnej japońskiej i amerykańskiej fantastyce grozy
K Marak
Potworna wiedza: horror w badaniach kulturowych, 55-103, 2016
Wybrane fanowskie praktyki dochodzeniowe na przykładzie fandomu gier Silent Hill
K Marak
Studia Kulturoznawcze 2 (8), 89-100, 2015
The Werewolf and the Zombie: The Undead Body and the Misshapen Body in Horror
K Marak
Literatura i Kultura Popularna 20 (2014), 65-82, 2014
Points of contact: Cultural contexts in understanding Japanese literature and cinema
K Marak
Silva Iaponicarum Special Edition: Japan: New Challenges in the 21st Century …, 2012
The problematic space between art, ambition, and gameplay: The Medium and the issues concerning difficult subject matter and gameplay in games
K Marak, M Markocki, K Chmielewski, D Brzostek
F1000Research 12, 784, 2024
Choices, affects and trans representation: An analysis of mechanics and gameplay in Tell Me Why
K Marak, N Strehlau
Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and …, 2023
Player’s Powers: Magic as Mechanics and as Narrative in Independent Horror Games
K Marak
The Magic of Games (1st ed.), 17-35, 2022
Walka z fantazmatami: odpowiedź na tekst Groznawstwo, którego nie było
K Marak, M Markocki
Teksty Drugie 3 (165), 267-275, 2017
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