Rajarajan Sivaraj
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Cited by
Dynamic clustering-based adaptive mobile gateway management in integrated VANET—3G heterogeneous wireless networks
A Benslimane, T Taleb, R Sivaraj
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 29 (3), 559-570, 2011
A review of selection methods in genetic algorithm
R Sivaraj, T Ravichandran
International journal of engineering science and technology 3 (5), 3792-3797, 2011
QoS-enabled group communication in integrated VANET-LTE heterogeneous wireless networks
R Sivaraj, AK Gopalakrishna, MG Chandra, P Balamuralidhar
2011 IEEE 7th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2011
RIC: A RAN intelligent controller platform for AI-enabled cellular networks
B Balasubramanian, ES Daniels, M Hiltunen, R Jana, K Joshi, R Sivaraj, ...
IEEE Internet Computing 25 (2), 7-17, 2021
Programmable and customized intelligence for traffic steering in 5G networks using open RAN architectures
A Lacava, M Polese, R Sivaraj, R Soundrarajan, BS Bhati, T Singh, ...
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 23 (4), 2882-2897, 2023
Edge-prioritized channel-and traffic-aware uplink carrier aggregation in LTE-advanced systems
R Sivaraj, A Pande, K Zeng, K Govindan, P Mohapatra
2012 IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2012
Video delivery challenges and opportunities in 4G networks
A Pande, V Ahuja, R Sivaraj, E Baik, P Mohapatra
Ieee Multimedia 20 (3), 88-94, 2013
Characterization of multi-user augmented reality over cellular networks
K Apicharttrisorn, B Balasubramanian, J Chen, R Sivaraj, YZ Tsai, R Jana, ...
2020 17th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication …, 2020
Heuristically repopulated Bayesian ant colony optimization for treating missing values in large databases
RD Priya, R Sivaraj, NS Priyaa
Knowledge-Based Systems 133, 107-121, 2017
Boosting Performance of genetic algorithm through Selective initialization
R Sivaraj, T Ravichandran, RD Priya
European Journal of Scientific Research 68 (1), 93-100, 2012
ns-o-ran: Simulating o-ran 5g systems in ns-3
A Lacava, M Bordin, M Polese, R Sivaraj, T Zugno, F Cuomo, T Melodia
Proceedings of the 2023 Workshop on ns-3, 35-44, 2023
A QoS-enabled holistic optimization framework for LTE-Advanced heterogeneous networks.
R Sivaraj, I Broustis, NK Shankaranarayanan, V Aggarwal, R Jana, ...
INFOCOM, 1-9, 2016
Imputation of discrete and continuous missing values in large datasets using Bayesian based ant colony optimization
R Devi Priya, R Sivaraj
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 41, 4981-4993, 2016
Spectrum-aware radio resource management for scalable video multicast in LTE-advanced systems
R Sivaraj, A Pande, P Mohapatra
2013 IFIP Networking Conference, 1-9, 2013
An improved clustering based genetic algorithm for solving complex NP problems
R Sivaraj, T Ravichandran
Journal of Computer Science 7 (7), 1033, 2011
BoLTE: Efficient network-wide LTE broadcasting
R Sivaraj, M Arslan, K Sundaresan, S Rangarajan, P Mohapatra
2017 IEEE 25th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 1-10, 2017
Bayesian-based parallel ant system for missing value estimation in large databases
R Sivaraj, RD Priya
International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation 9 (2), 114-120, 2017
Solving traveling salesman problem using clustering genetic algorithm
R Sivaraj, T Ravichandran, D Priya
International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering 4 (7), 1310-1317, 2012
A comprehensive review of bat algorithm and its applications to various optimization problems
N Mohan, R Sivaraj, RD Priya
Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities 6 (11), 676-690, 2016
An efficient grouping genetic algorithm
R Sivaraj, T Ravichandran
International Journal of Computer Applications 21 (7), 38-42, 2011
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Articles 1–20