The dilemma of patient responsibility for lifestyle change: perceptions among primary care physicians and nurses P Jallinoja, P Absetz, R Kuronen, A Nissinen, M Talja, A Uutela, K Patja Scandinavian journal of primary health care 25 (4), 244-249, 2007 | 430 | 2007 |
Does knowledge make a difference? The association between knowledge about genes and attitudes toward gene tests P Jallinjoa, AR Aro Journal of health communication 5 (1), 29-39, 2000 | 203 | 2000 |
From beef to beans: Eating motives and the replacement of animal proteins with plant proteins among Finnish consumers A Vainio, M Niva, P Jallinoja, T Latvala Appetite 106, 92-100, 2016 | 195 | 2016 |
Rural—urban differences in health and health behaviour: a baseline description of a community health-promotion programme for the elderly M Fogelholm, R Valve, P Absetz, H Heinonen, A Uutela, K Patja, A Karisto, ... Scandinavian journal of public health 34 (6), 632-640, 2006 | 188 | 2006 |
Future of sustainable eating? Examining the potential for expanding bean eating in a meat-eating culture P Jallinoja, M Niva, T Latvala Futures 83, 4-14, 2016 | 171 | 2016 |
Veganism and plant-based eating: Analysis of interplay between discursive strategies and lifestyle political consumerism P Jallinoja, M Vinnari, M Niva | 132 | 2018 |
Attitudes towards genetic testing: analysis of contradictions P Jallinoja, A Hakonen, AR Aro, P Niemelä, M Hietala, J Lönnqvist, ... Social Science & Medicine 46 (10), 1367-1374, 1998 | 112 | 1998 |
Negotiated pleasures in health-seeking lifestyles of participants of a health promoting intervention P Jallinoja, P Pajari, P Absetz Health: 14 (2), 115-130, 2010 | 106 | 2010 |
The impact of smoking on health-related and overall quality of life: a general population survey in Finland H Heikkinen, P Jallinoja, SI Saarni, K Patja Nicotine & Tobacco Research 10 (7), 1199-1207, 2008 | 103 | 2008 |
Attitudes towards biomedical use of tissue sample collections, consent, and biobanks among Finns A Tupasela, S Sihvo, K Snell, PA Jallinoja, AR Aro, E Hemminki Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 38 (1), 46-52, 2010 | 99 | 2010 |
Smokers’ accounts on the health risks of smoking: Why is smoking not dangerous for me? H Heikkinen, K Patja, P Jallinoja Social science & medicine 71 (5), 877-883, 2010 | 90 | 2010 |
Knowledge about genes and heredity among Finns P Jallinoja, AR Aro New genetics and society 18 (1), 101-110, 1999 | 88 | 1999 |
Why do people high in self-control eat more healthily? Social cognitions as mediators N Hankonen, M Kinnunen, P Absetz, P Jallinoja Annals of Behavioral Medicine 47 (2), 242-248, 2014 | 70 | 2014 |
Barriers to increasing plant protein consumption in Western populations M Niva, A Vainio, P Jallinoja Vegetarian and plant-based diets in health and disease prevention, 157-171, 2017 | 68 | 2017 |
Repertoires of lifestyle change and self‐responsibility among participants in an intervention to prevent type 2 diabetes P Jallinoja, P Pajari, P Absetz Scandinavian journal of caring sciences 22 (3), 455-462, 2008 | 68 | 2008 |
Negotiation over self-control and activity: An analysis of balancing in the repertoires of Finnish healthy lifestyles PM Pajari, P Jallinoja, P Absetz Social science & medicine 62 (10), 2601-2611, 2006 | 59 | 2006 |
Toward identifying a broader range of social cognitive determinants of dietary intentions and behaviors N Hankonen, P Absetz, M Kinnunen, A Haukkala, P Jallinoja Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being 5 (1), 118-135, 2013 | 57 | 2013 |
Food choices, perceptions of healthiness, and eating motives of self-identified followers of a low-carbohydrate diet P Jallinoja, M Niva, S Helakorpi, N Kahma Food & Nutrition Research 58 (1), 23552, 2014 | 51 | 2014 |
Priorities for social science and humanities research on the challenges of moving beyond animal-based food systems C Morris, M Kaljonen, K Aavik, B Balázs, M Cole, B Coles, S Efstathiu, ... Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 8 (1), 2021 | 50 | 2021 |
Self-control is associated with physical activity and fitness among young males MI Kinnunen, J Suihko, N Hankonen, P Absetz, P Jallinoja Behavioral Medicine 38 (3), 83-89, 2012 | 49 | 2012 |