Raul Eamets
Raul Eamets
University of Tartu, professor; IZA research fellow
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Cited by
Labour market flexibility and employment protection regulation in the Baltic States
R Eamets, J Masso
Available at SSRN 553864, 2004
The paradox of the baltic states: Labour market flexibility but protected workers?
R Eamets, J Masso
European Journal of Industrial Relations 11 (1), 71-90, 2005
Relationship between corporate social responsibility and job satisfaction: The case of Baltic countries
K Tamm, R Eamets, P Mõtsmees
The university of Tartu faculty of economics and business administration …, 2010
Approaches to flexicurity: EU models
K Philips, R Eamets
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: Eurofound>>, 2007
Reallocation of labour during transition disequilibrium and policy issues: the case of Estonia
R Eamets
Tartu University Press, 2001
Labour market flexibility and migration in the Baltic states: macro evidences
T Paas, R Eamets, J Masso, M Rõõm
University of Tartu Economics & Business Administration Working Paper, 2003
Labour market flexibility and employment security: Estonia
R Arro, R Eamets, J Järve, E Kallaste, K Philips
ILO, 2001
Temporary migrants and occupational mobility: evidence from the case of Estonia
J Masso, R Eamets, P Motsmees
International Journal of Manpower 35 (6), 753-775, 2014
Creative destruction and transition: the effects of firm entry and exit on productivity growth in Estonia
J Masso, R Eamets, K Philips
Available at SSRN 575086, 2004
Labour market flows and adjustment to macroeconomic shocks in the Baltic States
R Eamets
Post-Communist Economies 16 (1), 47-71, 2004
External macroeconomic shocks and the Estonian economy: how did the Russian financial crisis affect Estonian unemployment and foreign trade?
R Eamets, U Varblane, K Sõstra
Baltic Journal of Economics 3 (2), 5-24, 2003
Labour market and labour market policies during great recession: the case of Estonia
R Eamets
IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 2, 1-25, 2013
Labour market flexibility and flexicurity
R Eamets, T Paas
Paas and Eamets (eds.), Labour Market Flexibility, Flexicurity, and …, 2007
Labour flexibility and migration in the EU Eastward enlargement context: the case of the Baltic States
T Paas, R Eamets, R Selliov, A Jürgenson, J Masso
Ezoneplus working paper, 2002
Labour market flexibility and spatial mobility
R Eamets, K Jaakson
International Journal of Manpower 35 (6), 746-752, 2014
How flexible are labour markets in the CEECs? A macro level approach
R Eamets, E Kallaste, J Masso, M Room
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 9 (1), 101-121, 2003
Job creation and job destruction in Estonia: Labour reallocation and structural changes
J Masso, R Eamets, K Philips
IZA Discussion Paper, 2005
The lack of wage setting power of Estonian trade unions?
R Eamets, E Kalaste
Baltic Journal of Economics 5 (1), 44-60, 2004
Labor market flexibility, flexicurity and employment: Lessons of the Baltic States
T Paas, R Eamets
(No Title), 2007
Eesti tööturg ja tööpoliitika
R Eamets, K Philips, T Annus
Tartu Ülikool, Majandusteaduskond, Rahvamajanduse instituut, 2000
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