Jonathan Cottet
Jonathan Cottet
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MyDEP: a new computational tool for dielectric modeling of particles and cells
J Cottet, O Fabregue, C Berger, F Buret, P Renaud, M Frénéa-Robin
Biophysical journal 116 (1), 12-18, 2019
Positional dependence of particles and cells in microfluidic electrical impedance flow cytometry: Origin, challenges and opportunities
H Daguerre, M Solsona, J Cottet, M Gauthier, P Renaud, A Bolopion
Lab on a Chip 20 (20), 3665-3689, 2020
Impedance-based real-time position sensor for lab-on-a-chip devices
B Brazey, J Cottet, A Bolopion, H Van Lintel, P Renaud, M Gauthier
Lab on a Chip 18 (5), 818-831, 2018
How to improve the sensitivity of coplanar electrodes and micro channel design in electrical impedance flow cytometry: A study
J Cottet, A Kehren, H van Lintel, F Buret, M Frénéa-Robin, P Renaud
Microfluidics and nanofluidics 23, 1-11, 2019
Metal–phenolic networks as versatile coating materials for biomedical applications
G Fan, J Cottet, MR Rodriguez-Otero, P Wasuwanich, AL Furst
ACS Applied Bio Materials 5 (10), 4687-4695, 2022
Introduction to microfluidics
J Cottet, P Renaud
Drug Delivery Devices and Therapeutic Systems, 3-17, 2020
Dielectrophoresis‐assisted creation of cell aggregates under flow conditions using planar electrodes
J Cottet, A Kehren, S Lasli, H van Lintel, F Buret, M Frénéa‐Robin, ...
Electrophoresis 40 (10), 1498-1509, 2019
A reproducible method for μm precision alignment of PDMS microchannels with on-chip electrodes using a mask aligner
J Cottet, C Vaillier, F Buret, M Frénéa-Robin, P Renaud
Biomicrofluidics 11 (6), 2017
Planar hydrodynamic traps and buried channels for bead and cell trapping and releasing
C Lipp, K Uning, J Cottet, D Migliozzi, A Bertsch, P Renaud
Lab on a Chip 21 (19), 3686-3694, 2021
Characterizing chemical signaling between engineered “microbial sentinels” in porous microplates
CA Vaiana, H Kim, J Cottet, K Oai, Z Ge, K Conforti, AM King, AJ Meyer, ...
Molecular Systems Biology 18 (3), e10785, 2022
Single-cell electrical characterization
J Cottet, F Caselli
Biosensors for Single-Cell Analysis, 71-99, 2022
Zeta potential characterization using commercial microfluidic chips
J Cottet, JO Oshodi, J Yebouet, A Leang, AL Furst, CR Buie
Lab on a Chip 24 (2), 234-243, 2024
Development of microsystems for the controlled formation of cell aggregates by dielectrophoresis
J Cottet
Université de Lyon, 2018
Leveraging Commercial Microfluidic Chips for Zeta Potential Characterization
J Cottet, J Oshodi, J Yebouet, AL Furst, CR Buie
Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 243, 2365-2365, 2023
Integration of electrodes on glass suspended microchannel resonators for DEP trapping of particles
R Calmo, J Cottet, C Lipp, S Stassi, P Renaud, C Ricciardi
Flagstaff, Arizona, USA and ONLINE www. dep2020. org, 47, 2021
Devices and applications at the micro-and nanoscale rsc. li/loc
H Daguerre, M Solsona, J Cottet, M Gauthier, P Renaud, A Bolopion, ...
Lab Chip 20 (3696), 3709-3719, 2020
Dielectrophoresis-assisted creation of cell aggregates for Lab-On-A Chip Applications
J Cottet, F Buret, M Frénéa-Robin, P Renaud
Lab-on-a-Chip & Microfluidics 2019, 2019
Development of microfluidic tools to fabricate multicellular constructs and analyze their electromagnetic properties
M Frénéa-Robin, J Cottet, J Marchalot, C Rivière, L Franqueville, D Voyer, ...
BioEM 2019, 2019
Towards DEP-assisted creation of cell aggregates mimicking tumor
J Cottet, O Fabrègue, J Marchalot, R Scorretti, L Franqueville, F Buret, ...
Cancer cell on chip, 2nd edition, 2019
A new planar electrode design for dielectrophoresis-assisted creation of cell aggregates under flow conditions
J Cottet, A Kehren, S Lasli, H van Lintel, F Buret, M Frénéa-Robin, ...
Nanobiotech, 2018
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Articles 1–20