Ryoichi sakano
Cited by
Cited by
Subsidies and inefficiency: stochastic frontier approach
R Sakano, K Obeng, G Azam
Contemporary Economic Policy 15 (3), 113-127, 1997
Entry level salaries of academic economists: Does gender or age matter?
JP Formby, WD Gunther, R Sakano
Economic Inquiry 31 (1), 128-138, 1993
Airport security and screening satisfaction: A case study of US
R Sakano, K Obeng, K Fuller
Journal of Air Transport Management 55, 129-138, 2016
On the long-term or short-term dependence in stock prices: Evidence from international stock markets
KV Chow, MS Pan, R Sakano
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 6, 181-194, 1996
Evaluating changes in the distribution of income in the United States
JA Bishop, JP Formby, R Sakano
Journal of Income Distribution 4 (1), 5-5, 1995
A structural equations analysis of revealed and stated travel mode and activity choices
R Sakano, JM Benjamin
Transportmetrica 4 (2), 97-115, 2008
Re-examination of inefficiencies in urban transit systems: a stochastic frontier approach
R Sakano, K Obeng
Logistics and Transportation Review 31 (4), 377, 1995
Total factor productivity decomposition, input price inefficiencies, and public transit systems
K Obeng, R Sakano
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 38 (1 …, 2002
The effects of operating and capital subsidies on total factor productivity: a decomposition approach
K Obeng, R Sakano
Southern Economic Journal 67 (2), 381-397, 2000
Understanding overall output efficiency in public transit systems: The roles of input regulations, perceived budget and input subsidies
K Obeng, R Sakano, C Naanwaab
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 89, 133-150, 2016
A structural model of mode-activity choice: The case of commuter rail in a medium-size metropolitan area
R Sakano, J Benjamin
Transport Policy 18 (2), 434-445, 2011
Modeling economic inefficiency caused by public transit subsidies
K Obeng, AHM Golam Azam, R Sakano
Public transit subsidies, output effect and total factor productivity
K Obeng, R Sakano
Research in Transportation Economics 23 (1), 85-98, 2008
Airline fare and seat management strategies with demand dependency
K Obeng, R Sakano
Journal of air transport management 24, 42-48, 2012
Lorenz and Stochastic Dominance Comparisons of European Income Distribution
JA Bishop, MJP Formby, R Sakano
LIS Working Paper Series, 1995
Effects of government regulations and input subsidies on cost efficiency: A decomposition approach
K Obeng, R Sakano
Transport Policy 91, 95-107, 2020
A structural equation analysis of stated travel by commuter rail
R Sakano, J Benjamin
Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Jan, 9-13, 2000
Black public colleges and universities as projects: How do they rank relative to white public colleges and universities?
L Morse, R Sakano, GN Price
The Review of Black Political Economy 24 (4), 65-79, 1996
The synchronization of business cycles across the European Community
JP Formby, SC Norrbin, R Sakano
Open economies review 3, 233-253, 1992
Examining the inefficiency of transit systems using latent class stochastic frontier models
R Sakano, K Obeng
Journal of the Transportation Research Forum 50 (2), 45-68, 2011
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Articles 1–20