Jenny Wagner
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Social network changes and life events across the life span: a meta-analysis.
C Wrzus, M Hänel, J Wagner, FJ Neyer
Psychological bulletin 139 (1), 53, 2013
PERSOC: A unified framework for understanding the dynamic interplay of personality and social relationships
MD Back, A Baumert, JJA Denissen, FM Hartung, L Penke, SC Schmukle, ...
European Journal of Personality 25 (2), 90-107, 2011
The policy relevance of personality traits.
W Bleidorn, PL Hill, MD Back, JJA Denissen, M Hennecke, CJ Hopwood, ...
American Psychologist 74 (9), 1056, 2019
Agency‐communion and self‐esteem relations are moderated by culture, religiosity, age, and sex: Evidence for the “self‐centrality breeds self‐enhancement” principle
JE Gebauer, J Wagner, C Sedikides, W Neberich
Journal of Personality 81 (3), 261-275, 2013
Wherever I may roam: Processes of self-esteem development from adolescence to emerging adulthood in the context of international student exchange.
R Hutteman, S Nestler, J Wagner, B Egloff, MD Back
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 108 (5), 767, 2015
Cherish yourself: longitudinal patterns and conditions of self-esteem change in the transition to young adulthood.
J Wagner, O Lüdtke, K Jonkmann, U Trautwein
Journal of personality and social psychology 104 (1), 148, 2013
Personality trait stability and change
W Bleidorn, CJ Hopwood, MD Back, JJA Denissen, M Hennecke, PL Hill, ...
Personality Science 2 (1), e6009, 2021
Self-esteem across the second half of life: The role of socioeconomic status, physical health, social relationships, and personality factors.
T von Soest, J Wagner, T Hansen, D Gerstorf
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 114 (6), 945, 2018
Personality trait development at the end of life: Antecedents and correlates of mean-level trajectories.
J Wagner, N Ram, J Smith, D Gerstorf
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 111 (3), 411, 2016
Longitudinal experience–wide association studies—A framework for studying personality change
W Bleidorn, CJ Hopwood, MD Back, JJA Denissen, M Hennecke, ...
European Journal of Personality 34 (3), 285-300, 2020
The first partnership experience and personality development: A propensity score matching study in young adulthood
J Wagner, M Becker, O Lüdtke, U Trautwein
Social Psychological and Personality Science 6 (4), 455-463, 2015
The nature and correlates of self-esteem trajectories in late life.
J Wagner, D Gerstorf, C Hoppmann, MA Luszcz
Journal of personality and social psychology 105 (1), 139, 2013
Who belongs to me? Social relationship and personality characteristics in the transition to young adulthood
J Wagner, O Lüdtke, BW Roberts, U Trautwein
European Journal of Personality 28 (6), 586-603, 2014
Principles of relationship differentiation
FJ Neyer, C Wrzus, J Wagner, FR Lang
European Psychologist, 2011
Cultural norm fulfillment, interpersonal belonging, or getting ahead? A large-scale cross-cultural test of three perspectives on the function of self-esteem.
JE Gebauer, C Sedikides, J Wagner, W Bleidorn, PJ Rentfrow, J Potter, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 109 (3), 526, 2015
Parental involvement with college students in Germany, Hong Kong, Korea, and the United States
KL Fingerman, YP Cheng, K Kim, HH Fung, G Han, FR Lang, W Lee, ...
Journal of Family Issues 37 (10), 1384-1411, 2016
Does personality become more stable with age? Disentangling state and trait effects for the big five across the life span using local structural equation modeling.
J Wagner, O Lüdtke, A Robitzsch
Journal of personality and social psychology 116 (4), 666, 2019
The interdependence of horizontal family relationships and friendships relates to higher well‐being
C Wrzus, J Wagner, FJ Neyer
Personal Relationships 19 (3), 465-482, 2012
Toward an integrative model of sources of personality stability and change
J Wagner, U Orth, W Bleidorn, CJ Hopwood, C Kandler
Current Directions in Psychological Science 29 (5), 438-444, 2020
Perceived control across the second half of life: The role of physical health and social integration.
J Drewelies, J Wagner, C Tesch-Römer, J Heckhausen, D Gerstorf
Psychology and Aging 32 (1), 76, 2017
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Articles 1–20