Jesse Heyninck
Jesse Heyninck
Open Universiteit, the Netherlands
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Cited by
Argument strength in formal argumentation
M Beirlaen, J Heyninck, P Pardo, C Straßer
IfCoLoG Journal of Logics and their Applications 5 (3), 629-675, 2018
Relations between Assumption-Based Approaches in Non-Monotonic Logic and Formal Argumentation: From Structured Argumentation to Adaptive Logics
J Heyninck
Journal of Applied Logics — IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their …, 2019
Relations between assumption-based approaches in nonmonotonic logic and formal argumentation
J Heyninck, C Straßer
16th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning., 2016
On the semantics of simple contrapositive assumption-based argumentation frameworks
J Heyninck, O Arieli
Computational Models of Argument: Proceedings of COMMA 2018 305, 9, 2018
Revisiting unrestricted rebut and preferences in structured argumentation
J Heyninck, C Straßer
Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial …, 2017
Conditional Syntax Splitting for Non-monotonic Inference Operators
J Heyninck, G Kern-Isberner, T Meyer, JP Haldimann, C Beierle
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (5), 6416-6424, 2023
A review of the relations between logical argumentation and reasoning with maximal consistency
O Arieli, AM Borg, J Heyninck
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 87 (3), 187-226, 2019
On the Correspondence between Abstract Dialectical Frameworks and Nonmonotonic Conditional Logics.
J Heyninck, G Kern-Isberner, M Thimm
FLAIRS Conference, 575-580, 2020
Structured argumentation with prioritized conditional obligations and permissions
M Beirlaen, J Heyninck, C Straßer
Journal of Logic and Computation 29 (2), 187-214, 2019
Reasoning by cases in structured argumentation.
M Beirlaen, J Heyninck, C Straßer
Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, 989-994, 2017
Simple contrapositive assumption-based argumentation frameworks
J Heyninck, O Arieli
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 121, 103-124, 2020
Logic-Based Approaches to Formal Argumentation.
O Arieli, AM Borg, J Heyninck, C Straßer
FLAP 8 (6), 1793-1898, 2021
A Comparative Study of Assumption-based Argumentative Approaches to Reasoning with Priorities
J Heyninck, C Straßer
Journal of Applied Logics - IfCoLog Journal 8 (3), 737-808, 2021
Ranking extensions in abstract argumentation
K Skiba, T Rienstra, M Thimm, J Heyninck, G Kern-Isberner
30th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2047-2053, 2021
Investigations into the logical foundations of defeasible reasoning: an argumentative perspective
J Heyninck
Dissertation, Bochum, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2019, 2019
A critical assessment of Pollock’s work on logic-based argumentation with suppositions
M Beirlaen, J Heyninck, C Straßer
Proceedings of the NMR 20, 63-72, 2018
Lexicographic Entailment, Syntax Splitting and the Drowning Problem.
J Heyninck, G Kern-Isberner, TA Meyer
IJCAI, 2662-2668, 2022
A Fully Rational Argumentation System for Preordered Defeasible Rules
J Heyninck, C Straßer
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2019
Rationality and maximal consistent sets for a fragment of ASPIC+ without undercut
J Heyninck, C Straßer
Argument & Computation 12 (1), 3-47, 2021
Non-deterministic approximation fixpoint theory and its application in disjunctive logic programming
J Heyninck, O Arieli, B Bogaerts
Artificial Intelligence 331, 104110, 2024
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Articles 1–20