Hendri Hondorp
Hendri Hondorp
ICT account manager at University of Twente
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment}
A Nijholt, D Reidsma, GHW Hondorp
Springer Verlag}, 0
TwNC: a multifaceted Dutch news corpus
RJF Ordelman, FMG de Jong, AJ van Hessen, GHW Hondorp
ELRA Newsletter 12 (3-4), 2007
Virtual rap dancer: Invitation to dance
D Reidsma, A Nijholt, R Poppe, R Rienks, H Hondorp
CHI'06 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 263-266, 2006
Supporting engagement and floor control in hybrid meetings
R op den Akker, D Hofs, H Hondorp, H op den Akker, J Zwiers, A Nijholt
Cross-Modal Analysis of Speech, Gestures, Gaze and Facial Expressions: COST …, 2009
Towards Communicating Agents and Avatars in Virtual Worlds.
A Nijholt, H Hondorp
Eurographics (Short Presentations), 2000
Semi-automatic ontology extension in the maritime domain
G de Vries, V Malaisé, M Van Someren, P Adriaans, G Schreiber, A Nijholt, ...
Proceedings of the Twentieth Belgian-Dutch Conference on Artificial …, 2008
Interacting with a virtual rap dancer
D Reidsma, A Nijholt, R Rienks, H Hondorp
International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive …, 2005
Conveying directional gaze cues to support remote participation in hybrid meetings
B Van Dijk, J Zwiers, R op den Akker, O Kulyk, H Hondorp, D Hofs, ...
Toward Autonomous, Adaptive, and Context-Aware Multimodal Interfaces …, 2011
Language and Computers: Studies in Practical Linguistics
M Theune, A Nijholt, H Hondorp
Rodopi, 2002
Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 2001: Selected Papers from the Twelfth CLIN Meeting
M Theune, A Nijholt, H Hondorp
BRILL, 2016
Supporting engagement and floor control in hybrid meetings
R Akker, D Hofs, H Hondorp, H Akker, J Zwiers, A Nijholt
Cross-Modal Analysis of Speech, Gestures, Gaze and Facial Expressions: COST …, 2009
A multimodal interaction system for navigation
D Hofs, R op den Akker, A Nijholt, H Hondorp
7th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Diabrück 2003, 183-184, 2003
Engagement and floor control in hybrid meetings
R Akker, J Zwiers, H Hondorp, B van Dijk, O Kulyk, D Hofs, A Nijholt, ...
AMI Newsletter 20, 2010
Dialogues with a Talking face for Web-based Services and Transactions
J Hulstijn, A Nijholt, H Hondorp, M van den Berk, A van Hessen
Erratum to: intelligent technologies for interactive entertainment
A Nijholt, D Reidsma, H Hondorp
Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment: Third International …, 2009
Browsing and searching the spoken words of Buchenwald survivors
R Ordelman, W Heeren, A van Hessen, D Hiemstra, H Hondorp, ...
20th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence, BNAIC 2008, 403-404, 2008
Differences between poker-faced and affective,‘real’and ‘virtual’news readers
Z Ruttkay, EA Konijn, H Hondorp
4th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent …, 2005
Communicerende agents en avatars in virtuele werelden
A Nijholt, H Hondorp
Re-cursief 8 (2), 13-23, 2000
Preface:(to CLIN Journal volume 3)
M Dadvar, H Hondorp, A Nijholt, M Theune, D Trieschnigg, K Truong
Computational linguistics in the Netherlands journal 3, 1-1, 2013
Engagement and Floor Control in Hybrid Meetings
J Zwiers, GHW Hondorp, E van Dijk, O Kulyk, DHW Hofs, A Nijholt, ...
IDIAP, 2010
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