David Alan Berk
David Alan Berk
Senior Lecturer in Pharmacokinetics & Drug Delivery
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Vascular permeability in a human tumor xenograft: molecular size dependence and cutoff size
F Yuan, M Dellian, D Fukumura, M Leunig, DA Berk, VP Torchilin, RK Jain
Cancer research 55 (17), 3752-3756, 1995
Role of extracellular matrix assembly in interstitial transport in solid tumors
PA Netti, DA Berk, MA Swartz, AJ Grodzinsky, RK Jain
Cancer research 60 (9), 2497-2503, 2000
Mirovascular permeability and interstitial penetration of sterically stabilized (stealth) liposomes in a human tumor xenograft
F Yuan, M Leunig, SK Huang, DA Berk, D Papahadjopoulos, RK Jain
Cancer research 54 (13), 3352-3356, 1994
Role of tumor–host interactions in interstitial diffusion of macromolecules: cranial vs. subcutaneous tumors
A Pluen, Y Boucher, S Ramanujan, TD McKee, T Gohongi, E Di Tomaso, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (8), 4628-4633, 2001
Diffusion of macromolecules in agarose gels: comparison of linear and globular configurations
A Pluen, PA Netti, RK Jain, DA Berk
Biophysical journal 77 (1), 542-552, 1999
Absence of functional lymphatics within a murine sarcoma: a molecular and functional evaluation
AJ Leu, DA Berk, A Lymboussaki, K Alitalo, RK Jain
Cancer research 60 (16), 4324-4327, 2000
Detachment of agglutinin-bonded red blood cells. I. Forces to rupture molecular-point attachments
E Evans, D Berk, A Leung
Biophysical journal 59 (4), 838-848, 1991
Hindered diffusion in agarose gels: test of effective medium model
EM Johnson, DA Berk, RK Jain, WM Deen
Biophysical journal 70 (2), 1017-1023, 1996
Role of tumor vascular architecture in nutrient and drug delivery: an invasion percolation-based network model
JW Baish, Y Gazit, DA Berk, M Nozue, LT Baxter, RK Jain
Microvascular research 51 (3), 327-346, 1996
Scale-invariant behavior and vascular network formation in normal and tumor tissue
Y Gazit, DA Berk, M Leunig, LT Baxter, RK Jain
Physical review letters 75 (12), 2428, 1995
Microvascular permeability of albumin, vascular surface area, and vascular volume measured in human adenocarcinoma LS174T using dorsal chamber in SCID mice
F Yuan, M Leunig, DA Berk, RK Jain
Microvascular research 45 (3), 269-289, 1993
Fluorescence photobleaching with spatial Fourier analysis: measurement of diffusion in light-scattering media
DA Berk, F Yuan, M Leunig, RK Jain
Biophysical journal 65 (6), 2428-2436, 1993
Diffusion and partitioning of proteins in charged agarose gels
EM Johnson, DA Berk, RK Jain, WM Deen
Biophysical journal 68 (4), 1561-1568, 1995
Transport in lymphatic capillaries. I. Macroscopic measurements using residence time distribution theory
MA Swartz, DA Berk, RK Jain
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 270 (1 …, 1996
Direct in vivo measurement of targeted binding in a human tumor xenograft
DA Berk, F Yuan, M Leunig, RK Jain
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (5), 1785-1790, 1997
A sensitive in vivo model for quantifying interstitial convective transport of injected macromolecules and nanoparticles
ST Reddy, DA Berk, RK Jain, MA Swartz
Journal of applied physiology 101 (4), 1162-1169, 2006
Lateral diffusion of small compounds in human stratum corneum and model lipid bilayer systems
ME Johnson, DA Berk, D Blankschtein, DE Golan, RK Jain, RS Langer
Biophysical journal 71 (5), 2656-2668, 1996
Transport in lymphatic capillaries. II. Microscopic velocity measurement with fluorescence photobleaching
DA Berk, MA Swartz, AJ Leu, RK Jain
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 270 (1 …, 1996
Comparison of IgG diffusion and extracellular matrix composition in rhabdomyosarcomas grown in mice versus in vitro as spheroids reveals the role of host stromal cells
CL Davies, DA Berk, A Pluen, RK Jain
British journal of cancer 86 (10), 1639-1644, 2002
Flow velocity in the superficial lymphatic network of the mouse tail
AJ Leu, DA Berk, F Yuan, RK Jain
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 267 (4 …, 1994
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