Something about young people or something about elections? Electoral participation of young people in Europe: Evidence from a multilevel analysis of the European Social Survey E Fieldhouse, M Tranmer, A Russell European journal of political research 46 (6), 797-822, 2007 | 376 | 2007 |
Winning the local vote: the effectiveness of constituency campaign spending in Great Britain, 1983–1992 CJ Pattie, RJ Johnston, EA Fieldhouse American Political Science Review 89 (4), 969-983, 1995 | 369 | 1995 |
Routes into education and employment for young Pakistani and Bangladeshi women in the UK A Dale, N Shaheen, V Kalra, E Fieldhouse Ethnic and Racial Studies 25 (6), 942-968, 2002 | 285 | 2002 |
Does diversity damage social capital? A comparative study of neighbourhood diversity and social capital in the US and Britain E Fieldhouse, D Cutts Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2010 | 232 | 2010 |
The labour market prospects for Pakistani and Bangladeshi women A Dale, E Fieldhouse, N Shaheen, V Kalra Work, employment and society 16 (1), 5-25, 2002 | 217 | 2002 |
Electoral shocks: The volatile voter in a turbulent world E Fieldhouse, J Green, G Evans, J Mellon, C Prosser, H Schmitt, ... Oxford University Press, 2021 | 210 | 2021 |
Neither left nor right: The liberal democrats and the electorate AT Russell, E Fieldhouse Manchester University Press, 2005 | 203 | 2005 |
Diversity, density and turnout: The effect of neighbourhood ethno-religious composition on voter turnout in Britain E Fieldhouse, D Cutts Political Geography 27 (5), 530-548, 2008 | 146 | 2008 |
Is voting habit forming? The longitudinal impact of a GOTV campaign in the UK D Cutts, E Fieldhouse, P John Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 19 (3), 251-263, 2009 | 124 | 2009 |
Ethnic minority unemployment and spatial mismatch: the case of London EA Fieldhouse Urban Studies 36 (9), 1569-1596, 1999 | 122 | 1999 |
The electoral effectiveness of constituency campaigning in the 2010 British general election: The ‘triumph’of Labour? J Fisher, D Cutts, E Fieldhouse Electoral Studies 30 (4), 816-828, 2011 | 108 | 2011 |
Deprived people or deprived places? Exploring the ecological fallacy in studies of deprivation with the Samples of Anonymised Records EA Fieldhouse, R Tye Environment and Planning A 28 (2), 237-259, 1996 | 104 | 1996 |
Members are not the only fruit: Volunteer activity in British political parties at the 2010 general election J Fisher, E Fieldhouse, D Cutts The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 16 (1), 75-95, 2014 | 102 | 2014 |
The companion effect: household and local context and the turnout of young people E Fieldhouse, D Cutts The Journal of Politics 74 (3), 856-869, 2012 | 100 | 2012 |
British Election Study Internet Panel Waves 1–19 E Fieldhouse, J Green, G Evans, H Schmitt, C Van der Eijk, J Mellon, ... British Election Study. https://www. britishelectionstudy. com/data-objects …, 2020 | 98* | 2020 |
Mobilisation or marginalisation? Neighbourhood effects on Muslim electoral registration in Britain in 2001 E Fieldhouse, D Cutts Political Studies 56 (2), 333-354, 2008 | 94 | 2008 |
Brexit or Corbyn? Campaign and inter-election vote switching in the 2017 UK general election J Mellon, G Evans, E Fieldhouse, J Green, C Prosser Parliamentary Affairs 71 (4), 719-737, 2018 | 92 | 2018 |
The price of conscience: the electoral correlates and consequences of free votes and rebellions in the British House of Commons, 1987–92 C Pattie, E Fieldhouse, RJ Johnston British Journal of Political Science 24 (3), 359-380, 1994 | 91 | 1994 |
The effectiveness of local party campaigns in 2005: Combining evidence from campaign spending and agent survey data E Fieldhouse, D Cutts British Journal of Political Science 39 (2), 367-388, 2009 | 87 | 2009 |
Ethnic minority populations and the labour market: an analysis of the 1991 and 2001 Census L Simpson, K Purdam, A Tajar, E Fieldhouse, V Gavalas, M Tranmer, ... RESEARCH REPORT-DEPARTMENT FOR WORK AND PENSIONS 333, 2006 | 86 | 2006 |