Yi Zou
Cited by
Cited by
Sensor deployment and target localization based on virtual forces
Y Zou, K Chakrabarty
IEEE INFOCOM 2003. Twenty-second Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE …, 2003
Handbook of sensor networks: compact wireless and wired sensing systems
M Ilyas, I Mahgoub
CRC press, 2004
Sensor deployment and target localization in distributed sensor networks
Y Zou, K Chakrabarty
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 3 (1), 61-91, 2004
A distributed coverage-and connectivity-centric technique for selecting active nodes in wireless sensor networks
Y Zou, K Chakrabarty
IEEE Transactions on Computers 54 (8), 978-991, 2005
Uncertainty-aware and coverage-oriented deployment for sensor networks
Y Zou, K Chakrabarty
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 64 (7), 788-798, 2004
Distributed mobility management for target tracking in mobile sensor networks
Y Zou, K Chakrabarty
IEEE Transactions on Mobile computing 6 (8), 872-887, 2007
Energy-aware target localization in wireless sensor networks
Y Zou, K Chakrabarty
Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Pervasive …, 2003
Self-organizing sensor node network
P Biswas, Y Zou, S Phoha, K Chakrabarty, P Ramanathan, G Kesidis, ...
US Patent App. 11/338,569, 2006
Target localization based on energy considerations in distributed sensor networks
Y Zou, K Chakrabarty
Proceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Sensor Network …, 2003
Multi-ultrasonic sensor fusion for mobile robots
Z Yi, HY Khing, CC Seng, ZX Wei
Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2000 (Cat. No …, 2000
Uncertainty-aware sensor deployment algorithms for surveillance applications
Y Zou, K Chakrabarty
GLOBECOM'03. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
Multi-ultrasonic sensor fusion for autonomous mobile robots
Z Yi, YK Ho, CS Chua, XW Zhou
Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications IV 4051, 314-321, 2000
Computational data storage systems
MP Mesnier, JS Keys, IF Adams, Y Zou, LCM Remis, DR McLeran, ...
US Patent App. 17/430,693, 2022
Implicit Hammer: Cross-Privilege-Boundary Rowhammer Through Implicit Accesses
Z Zhang, W He, Y Cheng, W Wang, Y Gao, D Liu, K Li, S Nepal, A Fu, ...
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 20 (5), 3716-3733, 2022
Technologies for separating control plane management from data plane management for distributed storage in a disaggregated architecture
A Raghunath, ARC Reddy, S Sen, Y Zou
US Patent App. 15/922,493, 2019
Technologies for providing efficient distributed data storage in a disaggregated architecture
A Raghunath, ARC Reddy, S Sen, Y Zou
US Patent App. 15/922,502, 2019
The localization of mobile robot based on laser scanner
Z Xiaowei, HY Khing, CC Seng, Z Yi
2000 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Conference …, 2000
Coverage-driven sensor deployment and energy-efficient information processing in wireless sensor networks
Y Zou
Duke University, 2004
Detecting hardware-assisted virtualization with inconspicuous features
Z Zhang, Y Cheng, Y Gao, S Nepal, D Liu, Y Zou
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 16, 16-27, 2020
Redundancy analysis and a distributed self-organization protocol for fault-tolerant wireless sensor networks
Y Zou, K Chakrabarty
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 3 (3), 243-272, 2007
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Articles 1–20