Sebastian Wacker
Sebastian Wacker
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Downstream transport and seasonal variation in freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) eDNA concentration
S Wacker, F Fossøy, BM Larsen, H Brandsegg, R Sivertsgård, S Karlsson
Environmental DNA 1 (1), 64-73, 2019
Operational sex ratio but not density affects sexual selection in a fish
S Wacker, K Mobley, E Forsgren, LC Myhre, K de Jong, T Amundsen
Evolution 67 (7), 1937-1949, 2013
Do operational sex ratio and density affect mating behaviour? An experiment on the two-spotted goby
K de Jong, S Wacker, T Amundsen, E Forsgren
Animal Behaviour 78 (5), 1229-1238, 2009
Within‐season variation in sexual selection in a fish with dynamic sex roles
S Wacker, T Amundsen, E Forsgren, KB Mobley
Molecular Ecology 23 (14), 3587-3599, 2014
Context consistency and seasonal variation in boldness of male two-spotted gobies
C Magnhagen, S Wacker, E Forsgren, L Cats Myhre, E Espy, T Amundsen
PLoS One 9 (3), e93354, 2014
Selection against individuals from genetic introgression of escaped farmed salmon in a natural population of Atlantic salmon
S Wacker, T Aronsen, S Karlsson, O Ugedal, OH Diserud, EM Ulvan, ...
Evolutionary Applications 14 (5), 1450-1460, 2021
Considering sampling bias in close‐kin mark–recapture abundance estimates of Atlantic salmon
S Wacker, HJ Skaug, T Forseth, Ø Solem, EM Ulvan, P Fiske, S Karlsson
Ecology and Evolution 11 (9), 3917-3932, 2021
High levels of multiple paternity in a spermcast mating freshwater mussel
S Wacker, BM Larsen, P Jakobsen, S Karlsson
Ecology and evolution 8 (16), 8126-8134, 2018
Large males fight and court more across a range of social environments: an experiment on the two spotted goby Gobiusculus flavescens
S Wacker, K de Jong, E Forsgren, T Amundsen
Journal of Fish Biology 81 (1), 21-34, 2012
Host specificity drives genetic structure in a freshwater mussel
S Wacker, BM Larsen, S Karlsson, K Hindar
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 10409, 2019
Mate competition and resource competition are inter‐related in sexual selection
S Wacker, T Amundsen
Journal of evolutionary biology 27 (3), 466-477, 2014
Mate choice plasticity in a coral reef fish
S Wacker, S Östlund-Nilsson, E Forsgren, C Newport, T Amundsen
Behavioral Ecology 27 (5), 1331-1342, 2016
Nest distribution affects behaviour and mating success in a marine fish
I Mück, S Wacker, LC Myhre, T Amundsen
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 67, 609-619, 2013
Multiple paternity promotes genetic diversity in captive breeding of a freshwater mussel
S Wacker, BM Larsen, P Jakobsen, S Karlsson
Global Ecology and Conservation 17, e00564, 2019
Did natural selection make the Dutch taller? A cautionary note on the importance of quantification in understanding evolution
M Tarka, GH Bolstad, S Wacker, K Räsänen, TF Hansen, C Pélabon
Evolution 69 (12), 3204-3206, 2015
Higher mortality of the less suitable brown trout host compared to the principal Atlantic salmon host when infested with freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera …
J Marwaha, PJ Jakobsen, S Karlsson, BM Larsen, S Wacker
Parasitology Research 120, 2401-2413, 2021
Social structure affects mating competition in a damselfish
S Wacker, MH Ness, S Östlund-Nilsson, T Amundsen
Coral Reefs 36, 1279-1289, 2017
Association of landscape and environmental variables with the recruitment of the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) in Norway
MP Gosselin, S Wacker, JH Magerøy, A Foldvik, BM Larsen
Limnologica 98, 126031, 2023
High levels of multiple paternity in a spermcast mating freshwater mussel. Ecol Evol 8: 8126–8134
S Wacker, BM Larsen, P Jakobsen, S Karlsson
Elvemuslingens leveområde. Hvilke landskaps-og habitatvariabler påvirker utbredelse, tetthet og rekruttering hos elvemusling?
JH Magerøy, S Wacker, A Foldvik, BM Larsen
Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA), 2020
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