Suvi Satama
Suvi Satama
Assistant Professor (tenure track), Turku School of Economics, Pori Unit
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Cited by
Mothers and researchers in the making: Negotiating ‘new’motherhood within the ‘new’academia
AS Huopalainen, ST Satama
Human Relations 72 (1), 98-121, 2019
Writing differently
A Pullen, J Helin, N Harding
Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020
Writing resistance together
P Ahonen, A Blomberg, K Doerr, K Einola, A Elkina, G Gao, J Hambleton, ...
Gender, Work & Organization 27 (4), 447-470, 2020
‘Please tell me when you are in pain’: A heartbreaking story of care, grief and female–canine companionship
S Satama, A Huopalainen
Gender, Work & Organization 26 (3), 358-376, 2019
Exploring the embodied subtleties of collaborative creativity: What organisations can learn from dance
S Satama, A Blomberg, S Warren
Management Learning 53 (2), 167-189, 2022
" Feathers on Fire": A Study of the Interplay Between Passion and Vulnerability in Dance
S Satama
Organizational Aesthetics 5 (1), 64-93, 2016
Dancing with the D-man: Exploring reflexive practices of relational leadership in ballet and ice hockey
A Ryömä, S Satama
Leadership 15 (6), 696-721, 2019
Researching through experiencing aesthetic moments: 'sensory slowness' as my methodological strength
S Satama
Writing Differently in Dialogues in Critical Management Studies, 209-230, 2020
Writing birthing bodies: Exploring the entanglements between flesh and materiality in childbirth
A Huopalainen, S Satama
Culture and organization 26 (4), 333-354, 2020
‘Bring down the controlled movements!’–exploring the possibilities of and limitations on achieving embodied agency in ballet and fashion
S Satama, A Huopalainen
Culture and Organization 24 (5), 383-407, 2018
‘Writing’aesth‐ethics on the child's body: Developing maternal subjectivities through clothing our children
A Huopalainen, S Satama
Gender, work & organization 27 (1), 98-116, 2020
Capturing Movement That Evades the Eye: A Sensory Ethnography of the'Hidden'Qualities of Embodied Agency in Professional Dance
S Satama
Annales Universitatis Turkuensis E 16, 2017
Aktiivinen työkaveruus työn arjen voimavarana: TYÖ2–Yhteistyön työyhteisö-hankkeen loppuraportti
M Laiho, A Ryömä, S Satama, S Teerikangas
Turun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu, johtamisen ja organisoinnin oppiaine …, 2020
Exploring the embodied narrations of the city
S Satama, J Räikkönen
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 14 (3 …, 2020
Embracing relational vulnerabilities at the top: a study of managerial identity work amidst the insecurities of the self
S Satama, H Seeck, L Garcia-Lorenzo
Culture and Organization 30 (4), 442-461, 2024
Studying the clothing of children as a site of ‘silent embodiments’–An opening to the field of organization studies
A Huopalainen, S Satama
Paper submitted to the 10th International Critical Management Studies (CMS …, 2017
Popular culture and leadership
B Biehl, S Satama
The Sage Handbook of Leadership 2, 418-432, 2023
Pursuing Perfection through Relationality – Studying the Intersubjective Dynamics of Embodied Agency in Ballet
S Satama, A Huopalainen
Organization, 2022
Sanoista liikekieleksi: kuvauksia ammattitanssijoiden identiteetistä ja urakaaren kehityksestä
S Satama
Capturing Movement that Evades the Eye
S Satama
A Sensory Ethnography of the ‚Hidden ‘Qualities of Embodied Agency in …, 2017
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Articles 1–20