Alessandro Chinello
Alessandro Chinello
IRCCS Cą granda Osp. Maggiore Policlinico (Milan)
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Subitizing reflects visuo-spatial object individuation capacity
M Piazza, A Fumarola, A Chinello, D Melcher
Cognition 121 (1), 147-153, 2011
Objects, numbers, fingers, space: clustering of ventral and dorsal functions in young children and adults
A Chinello, V Cattani, C Bonfiglioli, S Dehaene, M Piazza
Developmental Science 16 (3), 377-393, 2013
Finding the spatial-numerical association of response codes (SNARC) in signed numbers: Notational effects in accessing number representation
A Chinello, MD de Hevia, C Geraci, L Girelli
Functional Neurology 27 (3), 177, 2012
Prevalence of major depressive disorder and dementia in psychogeriatric outpatients
A Chinello, B Grumelli, C Perrone, G Annoni
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 44 (S), 101-104, 2007
The experience of pregnancy during anorexia nervosa: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
A Chinello, V Dolci, SF Covili, E Tugnoli, S Bertelli, N Micali, LE Zappa
Qualitative Research in Psychology, 2019
Anoressia nervosa e internet. Uno studio sui blog Pro-Ana in Italia
V Richichi, A Chinello, F Parma, LE Zappa, E Mazzoni, F Monti
Psicologia clinica dello sviluppo 22 (3), 499-514, 2018
The lack of a «Normative Male Alexithymia» in parents of daughters with anorexia nervosa: A pilot study by using the Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RME) and the Toronto …
A Chinello, M Redaelli, F Parma, G Faraci, S Bertelli, LE Zappa
Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale 26 (1), 2020
Pregnancy and anorexia nervosa: will, weight and feelings
A Chinello, V Dolci, CM Galli, SC Faggioli, E Tugnoli, LE Zappa
J Psychol 3 (1), 25, 2016
Attention to detail in Italian parents of women with anorexia nervosa: a comparative study
A Chinello, L Zappa, M Pastori, C Crocamo, P Ricciardelli, M Clerici, ...
Rivista di psichiatria 52 (4), 158-161, 2017
Food semantics on pro-anorexia websites in Italy
A Chinello, F Parma, F Frigerio, CM Galli, V Richichi, LE Zappa, ...
Rivista di psichiatria 55 (5), 297-300, 2020
Alessitimia e Competenza Relazionale nelle relazioni intime (modello ERAAwC) in genitori di soggetti con disturbi del comportamento alimentare [Alexithymia and Relational …
W Colesso, A Chinello, SC Faggioli, LE Zappa
Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale 24 (2), 133-151, 2018
Anorexia nervosa and internet: A study on Pro-Ana blogs in Italy
V Richichi, A Chinello, F Parma, LE Zappa, E Mazzoni, F Monti
Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo 22 (3), 499-513, 2018
The development of number processing and its relation to other parietal functions in early childhood
A Chinello
University of Trento, 2010
Comparison between SCOFF and EAT-26: an Italian Study on Young Female Adults
A Chinello, G Corlazzoli, RS Scuotto, S Cadeo, LE Zappa, P Ricciardelli
Journal of Psychology 11, 35, 2024
A rapid screening tool for anorectic/bulimic risk in online settings: a pilot-study on the DiCA33 validation in Italian young female students
A Chinello, RS Scuotto, S Cadeo, LE Zappa, P Ricciardelli
Rivista di Psichiatria 57 (4), 184-189, 2022
Parents of women affected by an eating disorder: differences in empathy but not alexithymia..
A Chinello, G Corlazzoli, LE Zappa, P Ricciardelli
Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale 27 (3), 2021
La semantica del potere nella rappresentazione materna e paterna: uno studio-pilota linguistico e computazionale dei siti proana in Italia.
A Chinello, V Richichi, M Fanelli, F Dell’Orletta, F Boschetti, LE Zappa
Orientamenti Pedagogici 68 (1), 2021
Facial emotion recognition performance influences executive control impairment in Anorexia nervosa: an exploratory study
G Carrą, G Brambilla, M Caslini, F Parma, A Chinello, F Bartoli, ...
Global Psychiatry 1 (2), 53-60, 2018
Attenzione per i dettagli in genitori di nazionalitą italiana di donne affette da anoressia nervosa: uno studio comparativo
A Chinello, L Zappa, M Pastori, C Crocamo, P Ricciardelli, M Clerici, ...
RIVISTA DI PSICHIATRIA 52 (4), 158-161, 2017
Studio e implementazione di un algoritmo euristico per risolvere problemi MIP generali
A Chinello
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Articles 1–20