Kofi Obeng
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Cited by
Top management leadership, employee empowerment, job satisfaction, and customer satisfaction in TQM organizations: an empirical study
IO Ugboro, K Obeng
Journal of quality management 5 (2), 247-272, 2000
Organizational commitment among public transit employees: An assessment study
K Obeng, I Ugboro
Journal of the Transportation Research Forum 42 (2), 83-98, 2003
Strategic planning as an effective tool of strategic management in public sector organizations: Evidence from public transit organizations
IO Ugboro, K Obeng, O Spann
Administration & society 43 (1), 87-123, 2011
Gender differences in injury severity risks in crashes at signalized intersections
K Obeng
Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (4), 1521-1531, 2011
Bus transit cost, productivity and factor substitution
K Obeng
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 183-203, 1985
Effective strategic planning in public transit systems
K Obeng, I Ugboro
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 44 (3 …, 2008
Subsidies and inefficiency: stochastic frontier approach
R Sakano, K Obeng, G Azam
Contemporary Economic Policy 15 (3), 113-127, 1997
The effect of policy and background variables on total factor productivity for public transit
J Benjamin, K Obeng
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 24 (1), 1-14, 1990
A detailed investigation of crash risk reduction resulting from red light cameras in small urban areas
ML Burkey, K Obeng
Airport security and screening satisfaction: A case study of US
R Sakano, K Obeng, K Fuller
Journal of Air Transport Management 55, 129-138, 2016
The economic cost of subsidy-induced technical inefficiency
K Obeng
International Journal of Transport Economics/Rivista internazionale di …, 1994
The economics of bus transit operation
K Obeng
The Logistics and Transportation Review 20 (1), 1984
Injury severity, vehicle safety features, and intersection crashes
K Obeng
Traffic injury prevention 9 (3), 268-276, 2008
Managing the aftermaths of contracting in public transit organizations: Employee perception of job security, organizational commitment and trust
I Ugboro, K Obeng
University Transportation Centers Program (US), 2001
Some determinants of possible injuries in crashes at signalized intersections
K Obeng
Journal of safety research 38 (1), 103-112, 2007
Pedestrian injury severity in automobile crashes
K Obeng, M Rokonuzzaman
Scientific Research Publishing, 2013
Sources of productivity change: a Malmquist total factor productivity approach
KA Boame, K Obeng
Transport Reviews 25 (1), 103-116, 2005
Re-examination of inefficiencies in urban transit systems: a stochastic frontier approach
R Sakano, K Obeng
Logistics and Transportation Review 31 (4), 377, 1995
Total factor productivity in transit systems: 1983–1988
K Obeng, N Assar, J Benjamin
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 26 (6), 447-455, 1992
Total factor productivity decomposition, input price inefficiencies, and public transit systems
K Obeng, R Sakano
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 38 (1 …, 2002
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Articles 1–20