Mourad Oussalah
Cited by
Cited by
Advances in fuzzy clustering and its applications
JV De Oliveira, W Pedrycz
John Wiley & Sons, 2007
A systematic review of hate speech automatic detection using natural language processing
MS Jahan, M Oussalah
Neurocomputing 546, 126232, 2023
SRL-ESA-TextSum: A text summarization approach based on semantic role labeling and explicit semantic analysis
M Mohamed, M Oussalah
Information Processing & Management 56 (4), 1356-1372, 2019
Data expansion using back translation and paraphrasing for hate speech detection
DR Beddiar, MS Jahan, M Oussalah
Online Social Networks and Media 24, 100153, 2021
A novel time-aware food recommender-system based on deep learning and graph clustering
M Rostami, M Oussalah, V Farrahi
IEEE Access 10, 52508-52524, 2022
Gene selection for microarray data classification via multi-objective graph theoretic-based method
M Rostami, S Forouzandeh, K Berahmand, M Soltani, M Shahsavari, ...
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 123, 102228, 2022
The joint use of sequence features combination and modified weighted SVM for improving daily activity recognition
BM Abidine, L Fergani, B Fergani, M Oussalah
Pattern Analysis and Applications 21 (1), 119-138, 2018
A software architecture for Twitter collection, search and geolocation services
M Oussalah, F Bhat, K Challis, T Schnier
Knowledge-Based Systems 37, 105-120, 2013
On the compatibility between defuzzification and fuzzy arithmetic operations
M Oussalah
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 128 (2), 247-260, 2002
Adaptive Kalman filter for noise identification
M Oussalah, J De Schutter
Proceedings of the international Seminar on Modal Analysis 3, 1225-1232, 2001
Graph-based relevancy-redundancy gene selection method for cancer diagnosis
S Azadifar, M Rostami, K Berahmand, P Moradi, M Oussalah
Computers in Biology and Medicine 147, 105766, 2022
On the probability/possibility transformations: a comparative analysis
M Oussalah
International Journal Of General System 29 (5), 671-718, 2000
Community detection algorithms in healthcare applications: a systematic review
M Rostami, M Oussalah, K Berahmand, V Farrahi
IEEE Access 11, 30247-30272, 2023
Dual regularized unsupervised feature selection based on matrix factorization and minimum redundancy with application in gene selection
F Saberi-Movahed, M Rostami, K Berahmand, S Karami, P Tiwari, ...
Knowledge-Based Systems 256, 109884, 2022
Intelligent adaptive mobile robot navigation
S Nefti, M Oussalah, K Djouani, J Pontnau
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 30, 311-329, 2001
Intelligent sensory evaluation: methodologies and applications
D Ruan, X Zeng
Springer Science & Business Media, 2004
Hybrid fuzzy probabilistic data association filter and joint probabilistic data association filter
M Oussalah, J De Schutter
Information Sciences 142 (1-4), 195-226, 2002
Sensor fusion and target tracking using evidential data association
A Dallil, M Oussalah, A Ouldali
IEEE sensors journal 13 (1), 285-293, 2012
Automatic captioning for medical imaging (MIC): a rapid review of literature
DR Beddiar, M Oussalah, T Seppänen
Artificial intelligence review 56 (5), 4019-4076, 2023
Dziribert: a pre-trained language model for the algerian dialect
A Abdaoui, M Berrimi, M Oussalah, A Moussaoui
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.12346, 2021
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Articles 1–20