Anthony Zanesco
Cited by
Cited by
Intensive meditation training improves perceptual discrimination and sustained attention
KA MacLean, E Ferrer, SR Aichele, DA Bridwell, AP Zanesco, TL Jacobs, ...
Psychological Science 21 (6), 829-839, 2010
Intensive meditation training, immune cell telomerase activity, and psychological mediators
TL Jacobs, ES Epel, J Lin, EH Blackburn, OM Wolkowitz, DA Bridwell, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 36 (5), 664-681, 2011
Enhanced response inhibition during intensive meditation training predicts improvements in self-reported adaptive socioemotional functioning
BK Sahdra, KA MacLean, E Ferrer, PR Shaver, EL Rosenberg, TL Jacobs, ...
Emotion 11 (2), 299, 2011
Network analysis for the visualization and analysis of qualitative data
JJ Pokorny, A Norman, AP Zanesco, S Bauer-Wu, BK Sahdra, CD Saron
Psychological methods, 2017
Intensive training induces longitudinal changes in meditation state-related EEG oscillatory activity
M Saggar, BG King, AP Zanesco, KA MacLean, SR Aichele, TL Jacobs, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 6, 256, 2012
Intensive meditation training influences emotional responses to suffering
EL Rosenberg, AP Zanesco, BG King, SR Aichele, TL Jacobs, ...
Emotion 15 (6), 775, 2015
Self-reported mindfulness and cortisol during a Shamatha meditation retreat.
TL Jacobs, PR Shaver, ES Epel, AP Zanesco, SR Aichele, DA Bridwell, ...
Health Psychology 32 (10), 1104, 2013
Does mindfulness training help working memory ‘work’ better?
AP Jha, E Denkova, AP Zanesco, JE Witkin, J Rooks, SL Rogers
Current Opinion in Psychology, 2019
Within and between-person correlates of the temporal dynamics of resting EEG microstates
AP Zanesco, BG King, AC Skwara, CD Saron
NeuroImage 211, 116631, 2020
Executive control and felt concentrative engagement following intensive meditation training
AP Zanesco, B King, K MacLean, CD Saron
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7, 566, 2013
Is resilience trainable? An initial study comparing mindfulness and relaxation training in firefighters
E Denkova, AP Zanesco, SL Rogers, AP Jha
Psychiatry Research 285, 112794, 2020
Mindfulness training as cognitive training in high-demand cohorts: An initial study in elite military servicemembers
AP Zanesco, E Denkova, SL Rogers, WK MacNulty, AP Jha
Progress in Brain Research, 2019
Insight meditation and telomere biology: The effects of intensive retreat and the moderating role of personality
QA Conklin, BG King, AP Zanesco, J Lin, AB Hamidi, JJ Pokorny, ...
Brain, behavior, and immunity 70, 233-245, 2018
Meditation training influences mind wandering and mindless reading
AP Zanesco, BG King, KA MacLean, TL Jacobs, SR Aichele, BA Wallace, ...
Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice 3 (1), 12, 2016
Cognitive aging and long-term maintenance of attentional improvements following meditation training
AP Zanesco, BG King, KA MacLean, CD Saron
Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 1-17, 2018
The effect of movement-focused and breath-focused yoga practice on stress parameters and sustained attention: A randomized controlled pilot study
L Schmalzl, C Powers, AP Zanesco, N Yetz, EJ Groessl, CD Saron
Consciousness and Cognition 65, 109-125, 2018
Bolstering cognitive resilience via train-the-trainer delivery of mindfulness training in applied high-demand settings
AP Jha, AP Zanesco, E Denkova, AB Morrison, N Ramos, K Chichester, ...
Mindfulness 11, 683–697, 2020
Meditation training modulates brain electric microstates and felt states of awareness
AP Zanesco, AC Skwara, BG King, C Powers, K Wineberg, CD Saron
Human brain mapping 42 (10), 3228-3252, 2021
Residential meditation retreats: their role in contemplative practice and significance for psychological research
BG King, QA Conklin, AP Zanesco, CD Saron
Current opinion in psychology 28, 238-244, 2019
Self-reported mind wandering and response time variability differentiate prestimulus electroencephalogram microstate dynamics during a sustained attention task
AP Zanesco, E Denkova, AP Jha
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 33, 28-45, 2021
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Articles 1–20