Geoffrey F Woodman
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Cited by
Storage of features, conjunctions, and objects in visual working memory.
EK Vogel, GF Woodman, SJ Luck
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 27 (1), 92, 2001
Event-related potential studies of attention
SJ Luck, GF Woodman, EK Vogel
Trends in cognitive sciences 4 (11), 432-440, 2000
A brief introduction to the use of event-related potentials in studies of perception and attention
GF Woodman
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 72, 2031-2046, 2010
Electrophysiological measurement of rapid shifts of attention during visual search
GF Woodman, SJ Luck
Nature 400 (6747), 867-869, 1999
Serial deployment of attention during visual search.
GF Woodman, SJ Luck
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 29 (1), 121, 2003
The time course of consolidation in visual working memory.
EK Vogel, GF Woodman, SJ Luck
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 32 (6 …, 2006
Cognitive neuroscience of attention
MI Posner
Guilford Press, 2012
Do the contents of visual working memory automatically influence attentional selection during visual search?
GF Woodman, SJ Luck
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 33 (2), 363, 2007
Visual search remains efficient when visual working memory is full
GF Woodman, EK Vogel, SJ Luck
Psychological science 12 (3), 219-224, 2001
Attentional templates in visual working memory
NB Carlisle, JT Arita, D Pardo, GF Woodman
Journal of neuroscience 31 (25), 9315-9322, 2011
Visual search is slowed when visuospatial working memory is occupied
GF Woodman, SJ Luck
Psychonomic bulletin & review 11, 269-274, 2004
Voluntary and automatic attentional control of visual working memory
BK Schmidt, EK Vogel, GF Woodman, SJ Luck
Perception & psychophysics 64 (5), 754-763, 2002
Localizing visual discrimination processes in time and space
JM Hopf, E Vogel, G Woodman, HJ Heinze, SJ Luck
Journal of neurophysiology 88 (4), 2088-2095, 2002
Perceptual organization influences visual working memory
GF Woodman, SP Vecera, SJ Luck
Psychonomic bulletin & review 10 (1), 80-87, 2003
Selective storage and maintenance of an object’s features in visual working memory
GF Woodman, EK Vogel
Psychonomic bulletin & review 15 (1), 223-229, 2008
Neural fate of ignored stimuli: dissociable effects of perceptual and working memory load
DJ Yi, GF Woodman, D Widders, R Marois, MM Chun
Nature neuroscience 7 (9), 992-996, 2004
Dissociations among attention, perception, and awareness during object-substitution masking
GF Woodman, SJ Luck
Psychological Science 14 (6), 605-611, 2003
Templates for rejection: configuring attention to ignore task-irrelevant features.
JT Arita, NB Carlisle, GF Woodman
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 38 (3), 580, 2012
The comparison of visual working memory representations with perceptual inputs.
J Hyun, GF Woodman, EK Vogel, A Hollingworth, SJ Luck
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 35 (4 …, 2009
The role of working memory representations in the control of attention
GF Woodman, SJ Luck, JD Schall
Cerebral cortex 17 (suppl_1), i118-i124, 2007
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Articles 1–20