fabienne giraud
fabienne giraud
ISTerre, Université Grenoble Alpes
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Duration of the Early Bajocian and the associated δ13C positive excursion based on cyclostratigraphy
B Sucheras-Marx, F Giraud, V Fernandez, B Pittet, C Lecuyer, D Olivero, ...
Journal of the Geological Society 170 (1), 107-118, 2013
Western Tethys early and Middle Jurassic calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy
J Ferreira, E Mattioli, B Suchéras-Marx, F Giraud, LV Duarte, B Pittet, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 197, 102908, 2019
Paleoenvironmental controls on the morphology and abundance of the coccolith Watznaueria britannica (Late Jurassic, southern Germany)
F Giraud, B Pittet, E Mattioli, V Audouin
Marine Micropaleontology 60 (3), 205-225, 2006
Ammonoid abundance variations related to changes in trophic conditions across the Oceanic Anoxic Event 1d (Latest Albian, SE France)
S Reboulet, F Giraud, O Proux
Palaios 20 (2), 121-141, 2005
Determining the style and provenance of magmatic activity during the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 1a)
LME Percival, LR Tedeschi, RA Creaser, C Bottini, E Erba, F Giraud, ...
Global and Planetary Change 200, 103461, 2021
Minor changes in surface-water fertility across the oceanic anoxic event 1d (latest Albian, SE France) evidenced by calcareous nannofossils
F Giraud, D Olivero, F Baudin, S Reboulet, B Pittet, O Proux
International Journal of Earth Sciences 92, 267-284, 2003
Periodicities of carbonate cycles in the Valanginian of the Vocontian Trough: a strong obliquity control
F Giraud, L Beaufort, P Cotillon
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 85 (1), 143-164, 1995
The palaeoceanographic crisis of the Early Aptian (OAE 1a) in the Vocontian Basin (SE France)
F Giraud, B Pittet, D Grosheny, F Baudin, C Lécuyer, T Sakamoto
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 511, 483-505, 2018
Paleoenvironmental and paleobiological origins of coccolithophorid genus Watznaueria emergence during the late Aalenian–early Bajocian
B Suchéras-Marx, E Mattioli, F Giraud, G Escarguel
Paleobiology 41 (3), 415-435, 2015
Impact of the Middle Jurassic diversification of Watznaueria (coccolith-bearing algae) on the carbon cycle and δ13C of bulk marine carbonates
B Suchéras-Marx, A Guihou, F Giraud, C Lécuyer, P Allemand, B Pittet, ...
Global and Planetary Change 86, 92-100, 2012
The Mid-Cenomanian Event in southeastern France: evidence from palaeontological and clay mineralogical data
F Giraud, S Reboulet, JF Deconinck, M Martinez, A Carpentier, C Bréziat
Cretaceous Research 46, 43-58, 2013
The colonization of the oceans by calcifying pelagic algae
B Suchéras-Marx, E Mattioli, P Allemand, F Giraud, B Pittet, J Plancq, ...
Biogeosciences 16 (12), 2501-2510, 2019
Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Thomel Level (OAE2) in the Lambruisse section, Vocontian Basin, southeast France
AGS Fernando, R Takashima, H Nishi, F Giraud, H Okada
Geobios 43 (1), 45-57, 2010
Tectonic and eustatic control on a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate platform during the Late Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian (La Rochelle platform, western France)
D Carcel, C Colombié, F Giraud, B Courtinat
Sedimentary Geology 223 (3-4), 334-359, 2010
Calcareous nannofossil productivity and carbonate production across the Middle-Late Jurassic transition in the French Subalpine Basin
F Giraud
Geobios 42 (6), 699-714, 2009
Discorhabdus as a key coccolith genus for paleoenvironmental reconstructions (Middle Jurassic, Lusitanian Basin): Biometry and taxonomic status
GE López-Otálvaro, B Suchéras-Marx, F Giraud, E Mattioli, C Lécuyer
Marine Micropaleontology 94, 45-57, 2012
Spatial distribution patterns of calcareous nannofossils across the Callovian–Oxfordian transition in the French Subalpine Basin
F Giraud, B Courtinat, F Atrops
Marine Micropaleontology 72 (3-4), 129-145, 2009
Recherche des périodicités astronomiques et des fluctuations du niveau marin à partir de l'étude du signal carbonaté des séries pélagiques alternantes. Application au Crétacé …
F Giraud
Travaux et Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de Lyon 134 (1), 3-279, 1995
Ecological succession evidence in an Upper Jurassic coral reef system (Izwarn section, High Atlas, Morocco)
N Olivier, B Martin-Garin, C Colombie, JJ Cornee, F Giraud, J Schnyder, ...
Geobios 45 (6), 555-572, 2012
Integrated stratigraphy of the Lower and Middle Cenomanian in a Tethyan section (Blieux, southeast France) and correlations with Boreal basins
S Reboulet, F Giraud, C Colombié, A Carpentier
Cretaceous Research 40, 170-189, 2013
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Articles 1–20