Jukka Käyhkö
Jukka Käyhkö
Professor of Geography, University of Turku
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National scale assessment of climate change impacts on flooding in Finland
N Veijalainen, E Lotsari, P Alho, B Vehviläinen, J Käyhkö
Journal of hydrology 391 (3-4), 333-350, 2010
Climate change in the Baltic Sea region: a summary
HEM Meier, M Kniebusch, C Dieterich, M Gröger, E Zorita, R Elmgren, ...
Earth System Dynamics 13 (1), 457-593, 2022
Where do the treeless tundra areas of northern highlands fit in the global biome system: toward an ecologically natural subdivision of the tundra biome
R Virtanen, L Oksanen, T Oksanen, J Cohen, BC Forbes, B Johansen, ...
Ecology and Evolution 6 (1), 143-158, 2016
Comparison of empirical and theoretical remote sensing based bathymetry models in river environments
C Flener, E Lotsari, P Alho, J Käyhkö
River Research and Applications 28 (1), 118-133, 2012
Reconstruction of the largest Holocene jökulhlaup within Jökulsá á Fjöllum, NE Iceland
P Alho, AJ Russell, JL Carrivick, J Käyhkö
Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (22), 2319-2334, 2005
Uncertainties in flood risk mapping: a case study on estimating building damages for a river flood in Finland
L Koivumäki, P Alho, E Lotsari, J Käyhkö, A Saari, H Hyyppä
Journal of flood risk management 3 (2), 166-183, 2010
The impact of environmental factors on urban temperature variability in the coastal city of Turku, SW Finland
J Suomi, J Käyhkö
International Journal of Climatology 32 (3), 451-463, 2012
Remote sensing of the impact of reindeer grazing on vegetation in northern Fennoscandia using SPOT XS data
J Käykhü, P Pellikka
Polar Research 13 (1), 115-124, 1994
Spatial prediction of urban–rural temperatures using statistical methods
J Hjort, J Suomi, J Käyhkö
Theoretical and applied climatology 106, 139-152, 2011
Human–animal agency in reindeer management: Sámi herders’ perspectives on vegetation dynamics under climate change
T Horstkotte, TA Utsi, Å Larsson‐Blind, P Burgess, B Johansen, J Käyhkö, ...
Ecosphere 8 (9), e01931, 2017
A revised chronology for aeolian activity in subarctic Fennoscandia during the Holocene
JA Käyhkö, P Worsley, K Pye, ML Clarke
The Holocene 9 (2), 195-205, 1999
Surveyed and modelled one‐year morphodynamics in the braided lower Tana River
E Lotsari, D Wainwright, GD Corner, P Alho, J Käyhkö
Hydrological processes 28 (4), 2685-2716, 2014
Dune dynamics and cryoturbation features controlled by Holocene water level change, Hietatievat, Finnish Lapland
B van Vliet-Lanoë, M Seppälä, J Käyhkö
Geologie en Mijnbouw 72, 211-211, 1993
Impact of climate change on future discharges and flow characteristics of the Tana River, sub‐arctic northern Fennoscandia
E Lotsari, N Veijalainen, P Alho, J Käyhkö
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 92 (2), 263-284, 2010
Effects of scale on modelling the urban heat island in Turku, SW Finland
J Suomi, J Hjort, J Käyhkö
Climate research 55 (2), 105-118, 2012
Climate change in the Baltic Sea region: a summary, Earth Syst. Dynam., 13, 457–593
HEM Meier, M Kniebusch, C Dieterich, M Gröger, E Zorita, R Elmgren, ...
Extreme urban–rural temperatures in the coastal city of Turku, Finland: Quantification and visualization based on a generalized additive model
J Hjort, J Suomi, J Käyhkö
Science of the Total Environment 569, 507-517, 2016
“Generality of mis-fit”? The real-life difficulty of matching scales in an interconnected world
ECH Keskitalo, T Horstkotte, S Kivinen, B Forbes, J Käyhkö
Ambio 45, 742-752, 2016
Estimating the inundation area of a massive, hypothetical jökulhlaup from northwest Vatnajökull, Iceland
P Alho, MJ Roberts, J Käyhkö
Natural Hazards 41, 21-42, 2007
The European Science Foundation (ESF) network SEDIFLUX—an introduction and overview
AA Beylich, S Etienne, B Etzelmüller, VV Gordeev, J Käyhkö, V Rachold, ...
Geomorphology 80 (1-2), 3-7, 2006
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Articles 1–20