Procopio Stein
Cited by
Cited by
Human Aware Navigation for Assistive Robotics
D Vasquez, P Stein, J Rios-Martinez, A Escobedo, A Spalanzani, ...
13th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, 2012
ATLASCAR-technologies for a computer assisted driving system on board a common automobile
V Santos, J Almeida, E Avila, D Gameiro, M Oliveira, R Pascoal, R Sabino, ...
13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2010
Leader following: A study on classification and selection
P Stein, A Spalanzani, V Santos, C Laugier
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 75, 79-95, 2016
Navigating in populated environments by following a leader
P Stein, V Santos, A Spalanzani, C Laugier
2013 IEEE RO-MAN, 527-532, 2013
Modular scalable architecture for the navigation of the atlas autonomous robots
M Oliveira, P Stein, J Almeida, V Santos
Challenge 6 (7), 8, 2009
Sistema integrado de navegação para o Robô Ambiental Híbrido na Floresta Amazônica
PS Stein, N Reis
XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 21-26, 2007
Integration of adas algorithm in a vehicle prototype
J Lussereau, P Stein, JA David, L Rummelhard, A Nègre, C Laugier, ...
IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts ARSO …, 2015
Visual guidance of an autonomous robot using machine learning
PS Stein, V Santos
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 43 (16), 55-60, 2010
Leader Selection and Following in Dynamic Environments
P Stein, A Spalanzani, C Laugier, V Santos
International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2012
Navigation in dynamic environments taking advantage of moving agents
PS Stein
PQDT-Global, 2013
Robot navigation taking advantage of moving agents
P Stein, A Spalanzani, V Santos, C Laugier
IROS 2012 Workshop on Assistance and Service robotics in a human environment, 2012
On leader following and classification
P Stein, A Spalanzani, V Santos, C Laugier
2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2014
Integration of ADAS algorithm into an Experimental Vehicle
J Lussereau, P Stein, JA David, L Rummelhard, A Nègre, C Laugier, ...
2015 IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts …, 2015
Experiments in Leader Classification and Following with an Autonomous Wheelchair
P Stein, A Spalanzani, V Santos, C Laugier
Experimental Robotics: The 14th International Symposium on Experimental …, 2016
Learning-based leader classification
PS Stein, V Santos, A Spalanzani, C Laugier
IROS 2013-Workshop on Assistance and Service Robotics, 2014
Framework for visual guidance of an autonomous robot using learning
PS Stein
Universidade de Aveiro, 2009
Navigation Taking Advantage of Moving Agents
PS Stein
Navigating Through Crowds by Following a Leader
P Stein, V Santos, A Spalanzani, C Laugier
algorithms 11, 12, 0
Navigation Taking Advantage of Moving Agents in Dynamic Environments by Cooperation and Competition
PS Stein
Navigation Taking Advantage of Moving Agents in Dynamic Environments by Cooperation and Competition
II Projecto de Tese, PS Stein
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Articles 1–20