Shunping Huang
Shunping Huang
Ph.D. in Computer Science, UNC Chapel Hill
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Cited by
Heritability and genomics of gene expression in peripheral blood
FA Wright, PF Sullivan, AI Brooks, F Zou, W Sun, K Xia, V Madar, ...
Nature genetics 46 (5), 430-437, 2014
Analyses of allele-specific gene expression in highly divergent mouse crosses identifies pervasive allelic imbalance
JJ Crowley, V Zhabotynsky, W Sun, S Huang, IK Pakatci, Y Kim, JR Wang, ...
Nature genetics 47 (4), 353-360, 2015
TEAM: efficient two-locus epistasis tests in human genome-wide association study
X Zhang, S Huang, F Zou, W Wang
Bioinformatics 26 (12), i217-i227, 2010
seeQTL: a searchable database for human eQTLs
K Xia, AA Shabalin, S Huang, V Madar, YH Zhou, W Wang, F Zou, W Sun, ...
Bioinformatics 28 (3), 451-452, 2012
A novel multi-alignment pipeline for high-throughput sequencing data
S Huang, J Holt, CY Kao, L McMillan, W Wang
Database 2014, bau057, 2014
Transforming genomes using MOD files with applications
S Huang, CY Kao, L McMillan, W Wang
Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational …, 2013
Rapid and robust resampling-based multiple-testing correction with application in a genome-wide expression quantitative trait loci study
X Zhang, S Huang, W Sun, W Wang
Genetics 190 (4), 1511-1520, 2012
Read annotation pipeline for high-throughput sequencing data
J Holt, S Huang, L McMillan, W Wang
Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational …, 2013
Tools for efficient epistasis detection in genome-wide association study
X Zhang, S Huang, F Zou, W Wang
Source code for biology and medicine 6, 1-3, 2011
Chapter 10: Mining genome-wide genetic markers
X Zhang, S Huang, Z Zhang, W Wang
PLoS computational biology 8 (12), e1002828, 2012
GeneScissors: a comprehensive approach to detecting and correcting spurious transcriptome inference owing to RNA-seq reads misalignment
Z Zhang, S Huang, J Wang, X Zhang, F Pardo Manuel de Villena, ...
Bioinformatics 29 (13), i291-i299, 2013
IsoDOT detects differential RNA-isoform expression/usage with respect to a categorical or continuous covariate with high sensitivity and specificity
W Sun, Y Liu, JJ Crowley, TH Chen, H Zhou, H Chu, S Huang, PF Kuan, ...
Journal of the American Statistical Association 110 (511), 975-986, 2015
Learning transcriptional regulatory relationships using sparse graphical models
X Zhang, W Cheng, J Listgarten, C Kadie, S Huang, W Wang, ...
PloS one 7 (5), e35762, 2012
Time series clustering
T Lee, S Huang, R Zhang, JL Dean
US Patent App. 14/482,726, 2015
Analyses of allele-specific gene expression in highly divergent mouse crosses identifies pervasive allelic imbalance (vol 47, pg 353, 2015)
JJ Crowley, V Zhabotynsky, W Sun, S Huang, IK Pakatci, Y Kim, JR Wang, ...
Nature Genetics 47 (6), 690-690, 2015
Correcting reference bias in high-throughput sequencing analysis
S Huang
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2015
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Articles 1–16