Hiroshi Yamada
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Cited by
Tonically active neurons in the primate caudate nucleus and putamen differentially encode instructed motivational outcomes of action
H Yamada, N Matsumoto, M Kimura
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (14), 3500-3510, 2004
Roles of the lateral habenula and anterior cingulate cortex in negative outcome monitoring and behavioral adjustment in nonhuman primates
T Kawai, H Yamada, N Sato, M Takada, M Matsumoto
Neuron 88 (4), 792-804, 2015
Thirst-dependent risk preferences in monkeys identify a primitive form of wealth
H Yamada, A Tymula, K Louie, PW Glimcher
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (39), 15788-15793, 2013
Juxtacellular labeling of tonically active neurons and phasically active neurons in the rat striatum
H Inokawa, H Yamada, N Matsumoto, M Muranishi, M Kimura
Neuroscience 168 (2), 395-404, 2010
Free choice shapes normalized value signals in medial orbitofrontal cortex
H Yamada, K Louie, A Tymula, PW Glimcher
Nature communications 9 (1), 162, 2018
Tonically active neurons in the striatum encode motivational contexts of action
M Kimura, H Yamada, N Matsumoto
Brain and Development 25, S20-S23, 2003
Tonic firing mode of midbrain dopamine neurons continuously tracks reward values changing moment-by-moment
Y Wang, O Toyoshima, J Kunimatsu, H Yamada, M Matsumoto
Elife 10, e63166, 2021
Roles of centromedian parafascicular nuclei of thalamus and cholinergic interneurons in the dorsal striatum in associative learning of environmental events
K Yamanaka, Y Hori, T Minamimoto, H Yamada, N Matsumoto, ...
Journal of Neural Transmission 125, 501-513, 2018
Inactivation of the putamen selectively impairs reward history-based action selection
M Muranishi, H Inokawa, H Yamada, Y Ueda, N Matsumoto, M Nakagawa, ...
Experimental brain research 209, 235-246, 2011
Goal-directed, serial and synchronous activation of neurons in the primate striatum
M Kimura, N Matsumoto, K Okahashi, Y Ueda, T Satoh, T Minamimoto, ...
Neuroreport 14 (6), 799-802, 2003
Characteristics of fast-spiking neurons in the striatum of behaving monkeys
H Yamada, H Inokawa, Y Hori, X Pan, R Matsuzaki, K Nakamura, ...
Neuroscience research, 2016
History-and current instruction-based coding of forthcoming behavioral outcomes in the striatum
H Yamada, N Matsumoto, M Kimura
Journal of neurophysiology 98 (6), 3557-3567, 2007
Neuronal basis for evaluating selected action in the primate striatum
H Yamada, H Inokawa, N Matsumoto, Y Ueda, M Kimura
European Journal of Neuroscience 34 (3), 489-506, 2011
Controlled water intake: a method for objectively evaluating thirst and hydration state in monkeys by the measurement of blood osmolality
H Yamada, K Louie, PW Glimcher
Journal of neuroscience methods 191 (1), 83-89, 2010
Neural population dynamics underlying expected value computation
H Yamada, Y Imaizumi, M Matsumoto
Journal of Neuroscience 41 (8), 1684-1698, 2021
Coding of the long-term value of multiple future rewards in the primate striatum
H Yamada, H Inokawa, N Matsumoto, Y Ueda, K Enomoto, M Kimura
Journal of neurophysiology 109 (4), 1140-1151, 2013
Signal dynamics of midbrain dopamine neurons during economic decision-making in monkeys
M Yun, T Kawai, M Nejime, H Yamada, M Matsumoto
Science advances 6 (27), eaba4962, 2020
Preferential representation of past outcome information and future choice behavior by putative inhibitory interneurons rather than putative pyramidal neurons in the primate …
T Kawai, H Yamada, N Sato, M Takada, M Matsumoto
Cerebral Cortex 29 (6), 2339-2352, 2019
Distinct functions of the primate putamen direct and indirect pathways in adaptive outcome-based action selection
Y Ueda, K Yamanaka, A Noritake, K Enomoto, N Matsumoto, H Yamada, ...
Frontiers in neuroanatomy 11, 66, 2017
Dynamic prospect theory: Two core decision theories coexist in the gambling behavior of monkeys and humans
A Tymula, X Wang, Y Imaizumi, T Kawai, J Kunimatsu, M Matsumoto, ...
Science Advances 9 (20), eade7972, 2023
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Articles 1–20