Pedro I. Leiva
Pedro I. Leiva
Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Bussines, University of Chile
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
The role of weekly high‐activated positive mood, context, and personality in innovative work behavior: A multilevel and interactional model
HP Madrid, MG Patterson, KS Birdi, PI Leiva, EE Kausel
Journal of Organizational Behavior 35 (2), 234-256, 2014
Perceived purposes of performance appraisal: Correlates of individual‐and position‐focused purposes on attitudinal outcomes
SS Youngcourt, PI Leiva, RG Jones
Human resource development quarterly 18 (3), 315-343, 2007
Too arrogant for their own good? Why and when narcissists dismiss advice
EE Kausel, SS Culbertson, PI Leiva, JE Slaughter, AT Jackson
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 131, 33-50, 2015
Negative core affect and employee silence: How differences in activation, cognitive rumination, and problem-solving demands matter.
HP Madrid, MG Patterson, PI Leiva
Journal of Applied Psychology 100 (6), 1887, 2015
Landscape components, land use, and neighborhood satisfaction
BS Kweon, CD Ellis, PI Leiva, GO Rogers
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 37 (3), 500-517, 2010
Enhancing entrepreneurship: The role of goal orientation and self-efficacy
SS Culbertson, MR Smith, PI Leiva
Journal of Career Assessment 19 (2), 115-129, 2011
A finer grained approach to psychological capital and work performance
HP Madrid, MT Diaz, S Leka, PI Leiva, E Barros
Journal of Business and Psychology 33, 461-477, 2018
How mass layoffs are related to lower job performance and OCB among surviving employees in Chile: An investigation of the essential role of psychological contract
S López Bohle, PM Bal, PGW Jansen, PI Leiva, AM Alonso
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 28 (20), 2837-2860, 2017
Explaining Emotional Labor’s Relationships with Emotional Exhaustion and Life Satisfaction: Moderating Role of Perceived Autonomy
N Golapan, SS Culbertson, PI Leiva
Universitas Psychologica 12 (2), 347-356, 2013
Acculturation and individualism as predictors of work‐family conflict in a diverse workforce
KJ Olson, AH Huffman, PI Leiva, SS Culbertson
Human Resource Management 52 (5), 741-769, 2013
An empirical test of an innovation implementation model.
PI Leiva, SS Culbertson, RD Pritchard
The Psychologist-Manager Journal 14 (4), 265, 2011
Educación para la democracia: recuento de experiencias internacionales
PI Leiva Neuenschwander
Estudios pedagógicos (Valdivia), 91-112, 1999
Expectativas de roles futuros de estudiantes universitarios en Chile
N Abarca, N Gormaz, PI Leiva
Universitas Psychologica 11 (2), 405-414, 2012
Más allá de los cinco grandes: disposiciones y personalidad en la predicción de decisiones deshonestas en el contexto organizacional
EE Kausel, PI Leiva, M Sanfuentes, E Barros
Innovar 22 (44), 109-122, 2012
Importancia de las variables conductuales y organizacionales en la fusión de empresas como estrategias de desarrollo corporativo
P Leiva
Psicoperspectivas. Individuo y Sociedad 3 (1), 61-83, 2004
Sustainable human resource management and job satisfaction—Unlocking the power of organizational identification: A cross‐cultural perspective from 54 countries
A Wojtczuk‐Turek, D Turek, F Edgar, HJ Klein, J Bosak, ...
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2024
Cuestionario de Riesgos para la Salud Psicológica en Enfermeras
C Avendaño, P Leiva
Psykhe 7 (2), 1998
Instrumento Preliminar para Evaluar la Gestión en los Liceos Técnico-Profesionales Municipalizados
P Leiva
Psykhe 6 (2), 1997
16 A Review of Work–Family Research in Latin America
PI Leiva, H Madrid, SS Howes
The Cambridge Handbook of the Global Work–Family Interface, 303, 2018
The Role of Personality and Goal Orientation in Student Preferences for Job Attributes
SS Culbertson, PI Leiva, JB Henning, S Post-Priller
Canadian Journal of Career Development 8 (1), 39-49, 2009
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