K. Andrew DeSoto
Cited by
Cited by
The curious complexity between confidence and accuracy in reports from memory
HL Roediger, JH Wixted, KA DeSoto
Memory and Law, 84-118, 2012
Positive and negative correlations between confidence and accuracy for the same events in recognition of categorized lists
KA DeSoto, HL Roediger
Psychological Science 25 (3), 781-788, 2014
Forgetting the presidents
HL Roediger III, KA DeSoto
Science 346 (6213), 1106-1109, 2014
Confidence and memory: Assessing positive and negative correlations
HL Roediger, KA DeSoto
Memory 22 (1), 76-91, 2014
The psychology of reconstructive memory
HL Roediger, KA DeSoto
International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2e 20, 50-55, 2015
Recognizing the presidents: Was Alexander Hamilton president?
KA Roediger, HL, DeSoto
Psychological Science, 2016
Deciding what to replicate: A decision model for replication study selection under resource and knowledge constraints.
PM Isager, R van Aert, Š Bahník, MJ Brandt, KA DeSoto, R Giner-Sorolla, ...
Psychological Methods 28 (2), 438, 2023
Understanding the relation between confidence and accuracy in reports from memory
HL Roediger, KA DeSoto
Remembering: Attributions, Processes, and Control in Human Memory, 347-367, 2015
Under the hood of Mechanical Turk
KA DeSoto
APS Observer 29, 2016
The power of collective memory
HL Roediger, A DeSoto
Scientific American 28, 2016
Remembering the leaders of China
M Fu, Y Xue, KA DeSoto, T Yuan
Frontiers in Psychology 7 (373), 2016
Study preferences for exemplar variability in self-regulated category learning
CN Wahlheim, KA DeSoto
Memory, 2016
The Power of Collective Memory: What do large groups of people remember—and forget?
HL Roediger, KA DeSoto
Scientific American 28, 2016
Remembering the presidents
KA DeSoto, HL Roediger III
Current Directions in Psychological Science 28 (2), 138-144, 2019
Confidence ratings are better predictors of future performance than delayed judgments of learning
AL Putnam, W Deng, KA DeSoto
Memory 30 (5), 537-553, 2022
Applying confidence accuracy characteristic plots to old/new recognition memory experiments
E Tekin, KA DeSoto, JH Wixted, HL Roediger
Memory, 2021
Replication data collection highlights value in diversity of replication attempts
KA DeSoto, M Schweinsberg
Scientific data 4 (1), 1-3, 2017
Deciding what to replicate: a formal definition of ‘replication value’and a decision model for replication study selection
PM Isager, RCM Van Aert, Š Bahník, M Brandt, KA DeSoto, ...
Preprint. MetaArXiv.(doi: 10. 1037/met0000438), 2020
Collecting confidence ratings in cognitive psychology experiments: Investigating the relationship between confidence and accuracy in memory
KA DeSoto
SAGE Research Methods Cases, 2014
van’t, Vranka, MA, & Lakens, D.(2020). Deciding what to replicate: A formal definition of “replication value” and a decision model for replication study selection
PM Isager, RCM Aert, Š Bahník, M Brandt, KA DeSoto, R Giner-Sorolla, ...
Psychological Methods, 0
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