Tuija Mattsson
Tuija Mattsson
Senior researcher, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Sediment respiration and lake trophic state are important predictors of large CO2 evasion from small boreal lakes
P Kortelainen, M Rantakari, JT Huttunen, T Mattsson, J Alm, S Juutinen, ...
Global Change Biology 12 (8), 1554-1567, 2006
Export of DOM from boreal catchments: impacts of land use cover and climate
T Mattsson, P Kortelainen, A Räike
Biogeochemistry 76, 373-394, 2005
Controls on the export of C, N, P and Fe from undisturbed boreal catchments, Finland
P Kortelainen, T Mattsson, L Finér, M Ahtiainen, S Saukkonen, ...
Aquatic Sciences 68, 453-468, 2006
Export of dissolved organic matter in relation to land use along a European climatic gradient
T Mattsson, P Kortelainen, A Laubel, D Evans, M Pujo-Pay, A Räike, ...
Science of the total Environment 407 (6), 1967-1976, 2009
Leaching of nitrogen from forested catchments in Finland
P Kortelainen, S Saukkonen, T Mattsson
Global biogeochemical cycles 11 (4), 627-638, 1997
Brook water quality and background leaching from unmanaged forest catchments
T Mattson, L Finér, P Kortelainen, T Sallantaus
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 147, 275-297, 2003
Trends in hydrometeorological conditions and stream water organic carbon in boreal forested catchments
S Sarkkola, H Koivusalo, A Laurén, P Kortelainen, T Mattsson, ...
Science of the Total Environment 408 (1), 92-101, 2009
Increased organic C and N leaching in a northern boreal river basin in Finland
A Lepistö, P Kortelainen, T Mattsson
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22 (3), 2008
Iron concentrations are increasing in surface waters from forested headwater catchments in eastern Finland
S Sarkkola, M Nieminen, H Koivusalo, A Laurén, P Kortelainen, ...
Science of the Total Environment 463, 683-689, 2013
Nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, and suspended solids loads from forest clear-cutting and site preparation: Long-term paired catchment studies from eastern Finland
M Palviainen, L Finér, A Laurén, S Launiainen, S Piirainen, T Mattsson, ...
Ambio 43, 218-233, 2014
Export of suspended solids and dissolved elements from peatland areas after ditch network maintenance in south-central Finland
M Nieminen, E Ahti, H Koivusalo, T Mattsson, S Sarkkola, A Laurén
Finnish Society of Forest Science, 2010
36 year trends in dissolved organic carbon export from Finnish rivers to the Baltic Sea
A Räike, P Kortelainen, T Mattsson, DN Thomas
Science of the Total Environment 435, 188-201, 2012
Carbon evasion/accumulation ratio in boreal lakes is linked to nitrogen
P Kortelainen, M Rantakari, H Pajunen, JT Huttunen, T Mattsson, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 27 (2), 363-374, 2013
Drainage for forestry increases N, P and TOC export to boreal surface waters
L Finér, A Lepistö, K Karlsson, A Räike, L Härkönen, M Huttunen, ...
Science of the Total Environment 762, 144098, 2021
Organic and inorganic carbon concentrations and fluxes from managed and unmanaged boreal first-order catchments
M Rantakari, T Mattsson, P Kortelainen, S Piirainen, L Finér, M Ahtiainen
Science of the Total Environment 408 (7), 1649-1658, 2010
Metsäisten valuma-alueiden vesistökuormituksen laskenta
L Finér, T Mattsson, S Joensuu, H Koivusalo, A Laurén, T Makkonen, ...
Suomen ympäristö 10 (2010), 1-33, 2010
CH4, CO2 and N2O supersaturation in 12 Finnish lakes before and after ice-melt
P Kortelainen, JT Huttunen, T Väisänen, T Mattsson, P Karjalainen, ...
Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie …, 2000
Spatial and temporal variability of organic C and N concentrations and export from 30 boreal rivers induced by land use and climate
T Mattsson, P Kortelainen, A Räike, A Lepistö, DN Thomas
Science of the Total Environment 508, 145-154, 2015
Long-term trends (1975–2014) in the concentrations and export of carbon from Finnish rivers to the Baltic Sea: organic and inorganic components compared
A Räike, P Kortelainen, T Mattsson, DN Thomas
Aquatic Sciences 78, 505-523, 2016
Sulphate and base cation concentrations and export in streams from unmanaged forested catchments in Finland
L Finér, P Kortelainen, T Mattsson, M Ahtiainen, E Kubin, T Sallantaus
Forest ecology and management 195 (1-2), 115-128, 2004
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