Sami Kurki
Sami Kurki
Director, professor - University of Helsinki, Ruralia Institute
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Landscape fragmentation and forest composition effects on grouse breeding success in boreal forests
S Kurki, A Nikula, P Helle, H Lindén
Ecology 81 (7), 1985-1997, 2000
Abundances of red fox and pine marten in relation to the composition of boreal forest landscapes
S Kurki, A Nikula, P Helle, H Lindén
Journal of Animal Ecology 67 (6), 874-886, 1998
Human dimensions of wolf (Canis lupus) conflicts in Finland
J Bisi, S Kurki, M Svensberg, T Liukkonen
European Journal of Wildlife Research 53, 304-314, 2007
Breeding success of black grouse and capercaillie in relation to mammalian predator densities on two spatial scales
S Kurki, P Helle, H Lindén, A Nikula
Oikos, 301-310, 1997
Sweet taste of prosocial status signaling: When eating organic foods makes you happy and hopeful
P Puska, S Kurki, M Lähdesmäki, M Siltaoja, H Luomala
Appetite 121, 348-359, 2018
Competitive interactions among raptors in boreal forests
H Hakkarainen, S Mykrä, S Kurki, R Tornberg, S Jungell
Oecologia 141, 420-424, 2004
Forest fragmentation due to agriculture affects the reproductive success of the ground‐nesting black grouse Tetrao tetrix
S Kurki, H Lindén
Ecography 18 (2), 109-113, 1995
“I feel it is mine!”–Psychological ownership in relation to natural resources
A Matilainen, M Pohja-Mykrä, M Lähdesmäki, S Kurki
Journal of Environmental Psychology 51, 31-45, 2017
Strong community support for illegal killing challenges wolf management
M Pohja-Mykrä, S Kurki
European Journal of Wildlife Research 60, 759-770, 2014
The good bad wolf—wolf evaluation reveals the roots of the Finnish wolf conflict
J Bisi, T Liukkonen, S Mykrä, M Pohja-Mykrä, S Kurki
European Journal of Wildlife Research 56 (5), 771-779, 2010
Get some respect–buy organic foods! When everyday consumer choices serve as prosocial status signaling
H Luomala, P Puska, M Lähdesmäki, M Siltaoja, S Kurki
Appetite 145, 104492, 2020
Habitat composition as a determinant of reproductive success of Tengmalm's owls under fluctuating food conditions
H Hakkarainen, S Mykrä, S Kurki, E Korpimäki, A Nikula, V Koivunen
Oikos 100 (1), 162-171, 2003
The spacing of mature forest habitat in relation to species-specific scales in managed boreal forests in NE Finland
S Mykrä, S Kurki, A Nikula
Annales Zoologici Fennici, 79-91, 2000
The dynamics of (de) stigmatization: Boundary construction in the nascent category of organic farming
M Siltaoja, M Lähdesmaki, N Granqvist, S Kurki, P Puska, H Luomala
Organization Studies 41 (7), 993-1018, 2020
Male–male status signaling through favoring organic foods: Is the signaler perceived and treated as a friend or a foe?
P Puska, S Kurki, M Lähdesmäki, M Siltaoja, H Luomala
Psychology & Marketing 33 (10), 843-855, 2016
The wolf debate in Finland - Expectations and objectives for the management of the wolf population at regional and national level
J Bisi, S Kurki
University of Helsinki - Ruralia Institute Publications 12, 2008
Empowered by stigma? Pioneer organic farmers’ stigma management strategies
M Lähdesmäki, M Siltaoja, H Luomala, P Puska, S Kurki
Journal of Rural Studies 65, 152-160, 2019
Conflicts and compromises in lynx conservation and management in Finland
T Liukkonen, S Mykrä, J Bisi, S Kurki
Wildlife Biology 15 (2), 165-174, 2009
Decreasing the fragmentation of old forests in landscapes involving multiple ownership in Finland: economic, social and ecological consequences
M Kurttila, J Uuttera, S Mykrä, S Kurki, T Pukkala
Forest Ecology and Management 166 (1-3), 69-84, 2002
Susipuhetta Suomessa
J Bisi, S Kurki
Maakunnalliset ja kansalliset odotukset ja tavoitteet susikannan hoidossa …, 2005
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