Maria C. Carvalho
Maria C. Carvalho
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Quantum stochastic optimization
DF B Apolloni, C Carvalho
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 33 (2), 233-244, 1989
Strict entropy production bounds and stability of the rate of convergence to equilibrium for the Boltzmann equation
EA Carlen, MC Carvalho
Journal of statistical physics 67, 575-608, 1992
Determination of the spectral gap for Kac's master equation and related stochastic evolution
EA Carlen, MC Carvalho, M Loss
Entropy and chaos in the Kac model
EA Carlen, MC Carvalho, JL Roux, M Loss, C Villani
Kinet. Relat. Models 3 , no. 1, (2010) 85 - 122 3 (1), 85 - 122, 2010
Entropy production estimates for Boltzmann equations with physically realistic collision kernels
EA Carlen, MC Carvalho
Journal of statistical physics 74, 743-782, 1994
Central limit theorem for Maxwellian molecules and truncation of the Wild expansion
EA Carlen, MC Carvalho, E Gabetta
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Journal Issued by the …, 2000
Many-body aspects of approach to equilibrium
E Carlen, MC Carvalho, M Loss
Journées Equations aux dérivées partielles, 1-12, 2000
On strong convergence to equilibrium for the Boltzmann equation with soft potentials
EA Carlen, MC Carvalho, X Lu
Journal of statistical physics 135 (4), 681-736, 2009
On the relation between rates of relaxation and convergence of Wild sums for solutions of the Kac equation
EA Carlen, MC Carvalho, E Gabetta
Journal of Functional Analysis 220 (2), 362-387, 2005
Free energy minimizers for a two-species model with segregation and liquid–vapour transition
EA Carlen, MC Carvalho, R Esposito, JL Lebowitz, R Marra
Nonlinearity 16 (3), 1075, 2003
A Simple Proof of Stability of Fronts¶ for the Cahn–Hilliard Equation
EA Carlen, MC Carvalho, E Orlandi
Communications in Mathematical Physics 224, 323-340, 2001
Approximate solutions of the Cahn-Hilliard equation via corrections to the Mullins-Sekerka motion
EA Carlen, MC Carvalho, E Orlandi
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis 178, 1-55, 2005
Strong convergence towards homogeneous cooling states for dissipative Maxwell models
EA Carlen, JA Carrillo, MC Carvalho
Annales de l'IHP Analyse non linéaire 26 (5), 1675-1700, 2009
A Boltzmann model for rod alignment and schooling fish
E Carlen, MC Carvalho, P Degond, B Wennberg
Nonlinearity 28 (6), 1783, 2015
Displacement convexity and minimal fronts at phase boundaries
EA Carlen, MC Carvalho, R Esposito, JL Lebowitz, R Marra
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis 194, 823-847, 2009
Spectral Gaps for Reversible Markov Processes with Chaotic Invariant Measures: The Kac Process with Hard Sphere Collisions in Three Dimensions
E Carlen, MC Carvalho, M Loss
arXiv:1812.03874, 2018
Kinetic theory and the Kac master equation
E Carlen, MC Carvalho, M Loss
Entropy & Quantum II, Contemp. Math 552, 1-20, 2011
Droplet minimizers for the Gates–Lebowitz–Penrose free energy functional
EA Carlen, MC Carvalho, R Esposito, JL Lebowitz, R Marra
Nonlinearity 22 (12), 2919, 2009
Algebraic Rate of Decay for The Excess Free Energy And Stability of Fronts for A Nonlocal Phase Kinetics Equation with A Conservation Law, Ii: Algebraic Rate
EA Carlen, MC Carvalho, E Orlandi
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 25 (5-6), 847-886, 2000
Droplet minimizers for the Cahn-Hilliard free energy functional
EA Carlen, MC Carvalho, R Esposito, JL Lebowitz, R Marra
The Journal of Geometric Analysis 16, 233-264, 2006
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Articles 1–20