Spyros Maniatopoulos
Spyros Maniatopoulos
Graduate Student, Cornell University
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Reactive high-level behavior synthesis for an atlas humanoid robot
S Maniatopoulos, P Schillinger, V Pong, DC Conner, H Kress-Gazit
2016 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 4192-4199, 2016
Model predictive control for the navigation of a nonholonomic vehicle with field-of-view constraints
S Maniatopoulos, D Panagou, KJ Kyriakopoulos
2013 American control conference, 3967-3972, 2013
Collaborative autonomy between high‐level behaviors and human operators for remote manipulation tasks using different humanoid robots
A Romay, S Kohlbrecher, A Stumpf, O von Stryk, S Maniatopoulos, ...
Journal of Field Robotics 34 (2), 333-358, 2017
Collaborative autonomy between high-level behaviors and human operators for control of complex tasks with different humanoid robots
DC Conner, S Kohlbrecher, P Schillinger, A Romay, A Stumpf, ...
The DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals: Humanoid Robots to the Rescue, 429-494, 2018
Control of an underactuated underwater vehicle in 3D space under field-of-view constraints
D Panagou, S Maniatopoulos, KJ Kyriakopoulos
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (5), 25-30, 2012
A decentralized event-based predictive navigation scheme for air-traffic control
S Maniatopoulos, DV Dimarogonas, KJ Kyriakopoulos
2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 2503-2508, 2012
Open-world mission specification for reactive robots
S Maniatopoulos, M Blair, C Finucane, H Kress-Gazit
2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 4328-4334, 2014
Highly localized weather data recorded by vehicles in a fleet
N Grace, D Plascencia-vega, S Maniatopoulos
US Patent 11,250,703, 2022
Highly localized weather data recorded by vehicles in a fleet
N Grace, D Plascencia-vega, S Maniatopoulos
US Patent 11,804,133, 2023
Development of Predictive Navigation Schemes for Aircraft-like Vehicles
S Maniatopouloss
Master’s thesis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 2012
System for remotely relocating autonomous vehicles using multi-point maneuvers
S Maniatopoulos, J Fasola, X Zhou, AL Gillespie III
US Patent App. 18/336,690, 2024
Failover handling in autonomous vehicles
S Laws, S Maniatopoulos
US Patent App. 18/149,888, 2024
Protocol and user-interface for reversing an autonomous vehicle under remote assistance supervision
S Maniatopoulos, A Kasaurov, D Bragin, S Phan
US Patent App. 18/149,779, 2024
Unified interface between a control system and planners of an autonomous vehicle
S Maniatopoulos, S Laws, N Kapania, R Goradia, A Robinson
US Patent App. 18/149,569, 2024
Autonomous vehicle mission interruption and mission continuation
S Maniatopoulos, A Robinson, A Bhatnagar, J Leighton
US Patent App. 18/149,526, 2024
Team ViGIR
D Conner, S Kohlbrecher, A Romay, A Stumpf, S Maniatopoulos, ...
Tech. Rep. DTIC ADA623035, TORC Robotics LLC, Blacksburg, Virginia, 2015
Ανάπτυξη μεθοδολογιών προβλεπτικής πλοήγησης για οχήματα τύπου αεροπλάνου
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Articles 1–17