Francisco Cuevas-Pacheco
Francisco Cuevas-Pacheco
Univerdad Técnica Federico Santa María
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
SpatialPack: Package for analysis of spatial data
F Osorio, R Vallejos, F Cuevas, D Mancilla
R package version 0.2–3, 2014
Regularized estimation for highly multivariate log Gaussian Cox processes
A Choiruddin, F Cuevas-Pacheco, JF Coeurjolly, R Waagepetersen
Statistics and Computing 30 (3), 649-662, 2020
The F-family of covariance functions: A Matérn analogue for modeling random fields on spheres
A Alegría, F Cuevas-Pacheco, P Diggle, E Porcu
Spatial Statistics 43, 100512, 2021
Study of spatial relationships between two sets of variables: a nonparametric approach
F Cuevas, E Porcu, R Vallejos
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 25 (3), 695-714, 2013
Log Gaussian Cox processes on the sphere
F Cuevas-Pacheco, J Møller
Spatial Statistics 26, 69-82, 2018
Fast and exact simulation of Gaussian random fields defined on the sphere cross time
F Cuevas, D Allard, E Porcu
Statistics and Computing 30 (1), 187-194, 2020
Contours and dimple for the Gneiting class of space-time correlation functions
F Cuevas, E Porcu, M Bevilacqua
Biometrika 104 (4), 995-1001, 2017
SpatialPack: Tools for assessment the association between two spatial processes
F Osorio, R Vallejos, F Cuevas, D Mancilla
R package version 0.3-8196. CRAN. R-project. org/package= SpatialPack, 2020
Tools for assessment the association between two spatial processes. R package version 0.3-8
F Osorio, R Vallejos, F Cuevas, D Mancilla
Structured Space-Sphere Point Processes and K-Functions
J Møller, HS Christensen, F Cuevas-Pacheco, AD Christoffersen
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 23, 569-591, 2021
Package ‘SpatialPack’
F Osorio, R Vallejos, F Cuevas, D Mancilla, MF Osorio
Karhunen–Loève expansions for axially symmetric Gaussian processes: modeling strategies and approximations
A Alegría, F Cuevas-Pacheco
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 34 (11), 1953-1965, 2020
Second-order variational equations for spatial point processes with a view to pair correlation function estimation
JF Coeurjolly, F Cuevas-Pacheco, R Waagepetersen
Spatial Statistics 30, 103-115, 2019
A convolution type model for the intensity of spatial point processes applied to eye-movement data
JF Coeurjolly, F Cuevas-Pacheco, MH Descary
Spatial Statistics 51, 100651, 2022
Inhomogeneous interacting marked point processes for studying morphostructures in paleobiological data
D Astaburuaga, RS Stoica, D Gemmerlé, F Cuevas-Pacheco
Ring Meeting 2024, 2024
Composite likelihood inference for space-time point processes
A Jalilian, F Cuevas-Pacheco, G Xu, R Waagepetersen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.12548, 2024
Pairwise interaction function estimation of stationary Gibbs point processes using basis expansion
I Ba, JF Coeurjolly, F Cuevas-Pacheco
The Annals of Statistics 51 (3), 1134-1158, 2023
Pairwise interaction function estimation of Gibbs point processes using basis expansion
I Ba, JF Coeurjolly, F Cuevas-Pacheco
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.05391, 2021
A convolution type model for the intensity of spatial point processes applied to eye-movement data
F Cuevas-Pacheco, JF Coeurjolly, MH Descary
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.09659, 2020
Fast and exact simulation of Gaussian random fields defined on the sphere or the sphere cross time
F Cuevas, D Allard, E Porcu
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