Mirjam Seckler
Cited by
Cited by
Trust and distrust on the web: User experiences and website characteristics
M Seckler, S Heinz, S Forde, AN Tuch, K Opwis
Computers in human behavior 45, 39-50, 2015
Linking objective design factors with subjective aesthetics: An experimental study on how structure and color of websites affect the facets of users’ visual aesthetic perception
M Seckler, K Opwis, AN Tuch
Computers in Human Behavior 49, 375-389, 2015
Designing usable web forms: empirical evaluation of web form improvement guidelines
M Seckler, S Heinz, JA Bargas-Avila, K Opwis, AN Tuch
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2014
Designing product listing pages—Effects on sales and users’ cognitive workload
P Schmutz, SP Roth, M Seckler, K Opwis
International journal of human-computer studies 68 (7), 423-431, 2010
User-friendly locations of error messages in web forms: Put them on the right side of the erroneous input field
M Seckler, AN Tuch, K Opwis, JA Bargas-Avila
Interacting with Computers 24 (3), 107-118, 2012
Conceptual design, implementation, and evaluation of generic and Standard-Compliant data transfer into electronic health records
R Blitz, M Dugas
Applied Clinical Informatics 11 (03), 374-386, 2020
Linking objective web-design factors to facets of subjective aesthetic perception
M Seckler, AN Tuch
Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction …, 2012
Empirical evaluation of 20 web form optimization guidelines
M Seckler, S Heinz, JA Bargas-Avila, K Opwis, AN Tuch
CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1893-1898, 2013
Long-term modality effect in multimedia learning
AP Ruf, M Seckler, K Opwis
Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Fun …, 2014
Web Design in Human-computer Interaction: Effects of Website Characteristics on Users' Perception of Aesthetics, Usability and Trust
M Seckler
Verlag nicht ermittelbar, 2015
Designing Usable Web Forms–Empirical Evaluation of Web Form Improvement Guidelines Web
JA Bargas-Avila, K Opwis, AN Tuch
User-friendly Locations of Error Messages in Web Forms: The right place is on the right side of the erroneous input field
M Seckler
University of Basel, 0
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Articles 1–12