Robert Bagchi
Robert Bagchi
Associate Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut
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Higher levels of multiple ecosystem services are found in forests with more tree species
L Gamfeldt, T Snäll, R Bagchi, M Jonsson, L Gustafsson, P Kjellander, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 1340, 2013
Biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality
A Hector, R Bagchi
Nature 448 (7150), 188-190, 2007
Pathogens and insect herbivores drive rainforest plant diversity and composition
R Bagchi, RE Gallery, S Gripenberg, SJ Gurr, L Narayan, CE Addis, ...
Nature, 2014
General stabilizing effects of plant diversity on grassland productivity through population asynchrony and overyielding
A Hector, Y Hautier, P Saner, L Wacker, R Bagchi, J Joshi, ...
Ecology 91 (8), 2213-2220, 2010
Testing the Janzen‐Connell mechanism: pathogens cause overcompensating density dependence in a tropical tree
R Bagchi, T Swinfield, RE Gallery, OT Lewis, S Gripenberg, L Narayan, ...
Ecology letters 13 (10), 1262-1269, 2010
Spatial patterns reveal negative density dependence and habitat associations in tropical trees
R Bagchi, PA Henrys, PE Brown, DFRP Burslem, PJ Diggle, ...
Ecology 92 (9), 1723-1729, 2011
Nutrient fluxes via litterfall and leaf litter decomposition vary across a gradient of soil nutrient supply in a lowland tropical rain forest
DH Dent, R Bagchi, D Robinson, N Majalap-Lee, DFRP Burslem
Plant and Soil 288, 197-215, 2006
Tree species traits affect which natural enemies drive the Janzen-Connell effect in a temperate forest
S Jia, X Wang, Z Yuan, F Lin, J Ye, G Lin, Z Hao, R Bagchi
Nature Communications 11 (1), 286, 2020
Shifting baselines on a tropical forest frontier: extirpations drive declines in local ecological knowledge
Z Kai, TS Woan, L Jie, E Goodale, K Kitajima, R Bagchi, RD Harrison
PLoS One 9 (1), e86598, 2014
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Conservation Site Networks under Climate Change: Accounting for Uncertainty
R Bagchi, M Crosby, B Huntley, DG Hole, SHM Butchart, Y Collingham, ...
Global Change Biology, 2012
Impacts of logging on density-dependent predation of dipterocarp seeds in a South East Asian rainforest
R Bagchi, CD Philipson, EM Slade, A Hector, S Phillips, JF Villanueva, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 366 …, 2011
Consequences of changing rainfall for fungal pathogen‐induced mortality in tropical tree seedlings
T Swinfield, OT Lewis, R Bagchi, RP Freckleton
Ecology and Evolution, 2012
Evolutionary history and distance dependence control survival of dipterocarp seedlings
R Bagchi, MC Press, JD Scholes
Ecology letters 13 (1), 51-59, 2010
Weaker plant-enemy interactions decrease tree seedling diversity with edge-effects in a fragmented tropical forest
M Krishnadas, R Bagchi, S Sridhara, LS Comita
Nature Communications 9 (1), 4523, 2018
Anthropogenic fragmentation of landscapes: mechanisms for eroding the specificity of plant–herbivore interactions
R Bagchi, LM Brown, CS Elphick, DL Wagner, MS Singer
Oecologia 187, 521-533, 2018
Eat in or take away—seed predation and removal by rats (Muridae) during a fruiting event in a dipterocarp rainforest
K Wells, R Bagchi
Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 53 (2), 281-286, 2005
Predicting dispersal of auto‐gyrating fruit in tropical trees: a case study from the D ipterocarpaceae
JR Smith, R Bagchi, J Ellens, CJ Kettle, DFRP Burslem, CR Maycock, ...
Ecology and evolution 5 (9), 1794-1801, 2015
Phosphorus supply influences heathland responses to atmospheric nitrogen deposition
MG Pilkington, SJM Caporn, JA Carroll, N Cresswell, JA Lee, BA Emmett, ...
Environmental Pollution 148 (1), 191-200, 2007
Testing for enemy‐mediated density‐dependence in the mortality of seedlings: Field experiments with five Neotropical tree species
S Gripenberg, R Bagchi, RE Gallery, RP Freckleton, L Narayan, OT Lewis
Oikos 123 (2), 185-193, 2014
Defaunation increases the spatial clustering of lowland Western Amazonian tree communities
R Bagchi, V Swamy, JP Latorre Farfan, J Terborgh, CIA Vela, NCA Pitman, ...
Journal of Ecology 106 (4), 1470-1482, 2018
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Articles 1–20