Materialized views: techniques, implementations, and applications IS Mumick The MIT Press, 1999 | 1573* | 1999 |
A formulae-as-type notion of control TG Griffin Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of …, 1989 | 761 | 1989 |
The stable paths problem and interdomain routing TG Griffin, FB Shepherd, G Wilfong IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking 10 (2), 232-243, 2002 | 755 | 2002 |
An analysis of BGP convergence properties TG Griffin, G Wilfong ACM SIGCOMM computer communication review 29 (4), 277-288, 1999 | 583 | 1999 |
Incremental maintenance of views with duplicates T Griffin, L Libkin ACM SIGMOD Record 24 (2), 328-339, 1995 | 456 | 1995 |
Considering hierarchical models for research on inmate behavior: Predicting misconduct with multilevel data J Wooldredge, T Griffin, T Pratt Justice Quarterly 18 (1), 203-231, 2001 | 367 | 2001 |
Working around BGP: An incremental approach to improving security and accuracy of interdomain routing G Goodell, W Aiello, T Griffin, J Ioannidis, P McDaniel, A Rubin Proc. NDSS 3, 2003 | 359 | 2003 |
Algorithms for deferred view maintenance LS Colby, T Griffin, L Libkin, IS Mumick, H Trickey Proceedings of the 1996 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 1996 | 343 | 1996 |
Dynamics of hot-potato routing in IP networks R Teixeira, A Shaikh, T Griffin, J Rexford Proceedings of the joint international conference on Measurement and …, 2004 | 306 | 2004 |
On the correctness of IBGP configuration TG Griffin, G Wilfong ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 32 (4), 17-29, 2002 | 306 | 2002 |
An experimental analysis of BGP convergence time TG Griffin, BJ Premore Network Protocols Ninth International Conference on ICNP 2001, 53-61, 2001 | 303 | 2001 |
Metarouting TG Griffin, JL Sobrinho ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 35 (4), 1-12, 2005 | 265 | 2005 |
Inherently safe backup routing with BGP L Gao, TG Griffin, J Rexford INFOCOM 2001. Twentieth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2001 | 262 | 2001 |
A safe path vector protocol TG Griffin, G Wilfong INFOCOM 2000. Nineteenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2000 | 251 | 2000 |
Policy disputes in path-vector protocols TG Griffin, FB Shepherd, G Wilfong Proceedings. Seventh International Conference on Network Protocols, 21-30, 1999 | 235 | 1999 |
Internet routing policies and round-trip-times H Zheng, E Lua, M Pias, T Griffin Passive and Active Network Measurement, 236-250, 2005 | 224 | 2005 |
Analysis of the MED oscillation problem in BGP TG Griffin, G Wilfong Network Protocols, 2002. Proceedings. 10th IEEE International Conference on …, 2002 | 213 | 2002 |
Sex‐based disparities in felony dispositions before versus after sentencing reform in Ohio T Griffin, J Wooldredge Criminology 44 (4), 893-923, 2006 | 187 | 2006 |
The interdomain connectivity of PlanetLab nodes S Banerjee, TG Griffin, M Pias Passive and Active Network Measurement, 73-82, 2004 | 170 | 2004 |
Child abduction, AMBER alert, and crime control theater T Griffin, MK Miller Criminal justice review 33 (2), 159-176, 2008 | 168 | 2008 |