Sarah Dryhurst
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Cited by
Risk perceptions of COVID-19 around the world
S Dryhurst, CR Schneider, J Kerr, ALJ Freeman, G Recchia, ...
Journal of Risk Research 23 (7-8), 994-1006, 2020
Susceptibility to misinformation about COVID-19 around the world
J Roozenbeek, CR Schneider, S Dryhurst, J Kerr, ALJ Freeman, ...
Royal Society open science 7 (10), 201199, 2020
COVID-19 risk perception: a longitudinal analysis of its predictors and associations with health protective behaviours in the United Kingdom
CR Schneider, S Dryhurst, J Kerr, ALJ Freeman, G Recchia, ...
Journal of Risk Research 24 (3-4), 294-313, 2021
Correlates of intended COVID-19 vaccine acceptance across time and countries: results from a series of cross-sectional surveys
JR Kerr, CR Schneider, G Recchia, S Dryhurst, U Sahlin, C Dufouil, ...
BMJ open 11 (8), e048025, 2021
Predictors of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance across time and countries
JR Kerr, CR Schneider, G Recchia, S Dryhurst, U Sahlin, C Dufouil, ...
MedRxiv, 2020.12. 09.20246439, 2020
Communicating personalized risks from COVID-19: guidelines from an empirical study
ALJ Freeman, J Kerr, G Recchia, CR Schneider, ACE Lawrence, ...
Royal Society open science 8 (4), 201721, 2021
& van der Linden, S.(2020). Risk perceptions of COVID-19 around the world
S Dryhurst, CR Schneider, J Kerr, AL Freeman, G Recchia, ...
Journal of Risk Research 23, 7-8, 0
How people understand risk matrices, and how matrix design can improve their use: Findings from randomized controlled studies
H Sutherland, G Recchia, S Dryhurst, ALJ Freeman
Risk Analysis 42 (5), 1023-1041, 2022
Fighting misinformation in seismology: Expert opinion on earthquake facts vs. fiction
S Dryhurst, F Mulder, I Dallo, JR Kerr, SK McBride, L Fallou, JS Becker
Frontiers in Earth Science 10, 937055, 2022
Multiple hazard uncertainty visualization challenges and paths forward
L Padilla, S Dryhurst, H Hosseinpour, A Kruczkiewicz
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 579207, 2021
The effects of communicating uncertainty around statistics, on public trust
J Kerr, AM van der Bles, S Dryhurst, CR Schneider, V Chopurian, ...
Royal Society Open Science 10 (11), 230604, 2023
Associations between COVID-19 risk perceptions and mental health, wellbeing, and risk behaviours
ML Dyer, HM Sallis, JN Khouja, S Dryhurst, MR Munafò
Journal of risk research 25 (11-12), 1372-1394, 2022
Designing & implementing the seismic portion of dynamic risk communication for long-term risks, variable short-term risks, early warnings
S Dryhurst, G Luoni, I Dallo, ALJ Freeman, M Marti, RR Bossu
Do colored cells in risk matrices affect decision‐making and risk perception? Insights from randomized controlled studies
R Proto, G Recchia, S Dryhurst, ALJ Freeman
Risk analysis 43 (10), 2114-2128, 2023
Exploring Futures for the Science of Global Risk
SJ Beard, N Cooke, S Dryhurst, M Cassidy, G Gibbins, G Gilgallon, B Holt, ...
Available at SSRN 4405991, 2023
Introducing stories into downward counterfactual analysis: examples from a potential Mediterranean disaster
C Penney, R Walshe, H Baker, H van Soest, S Dryhurst, ARE Taylor
Frontiers in Earth Science 10, 742016, 2022
Communicating seismic forecasts
S Dryhurst, G Luoni, I Dallo, ALJ Freeman
Predicting the replicability of social and behavioural science claims in COVID-19 preprints
A Marcoci, DP Wilkinson, A Vercammen, BC Wintle, AL Abatayo, E Baskin, ...
Nature human behaviour, 1-18, 2024
Communication of Statistics and Evidence in Times of Crisis
CR Schneider, JR Kerr, S Dryhurst, JAD Aston
Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application 11, 2023
Output from workshops with Earth scientists about earthquake related misinformation
S Dryhurst, F Mulder, I Dallo, JR Kerr, L Fallou, JS Becker
ETH Zurich, 2022
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Articles 1–20