Xinlu Qiu
Xinlu Qiu
NTNU Business School
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Cited by
The role of regulatory focus and trustworthiness in knowledge transfer and leakage in alliances
X Qiu, SA Haugland
Industrial Marketing Management 83, 162-173, 2019
Competitiveness and connectivity in design innovation: a study of Norwegian furniture industry
X Qiu, M Cano-Kollmann, R Mudambi
Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal 27 (5), 533-548, 2017
Open for business: Towards an interactive view on dynamic capabilities
X Qiu, E Holmen, M Havenvid, L De Boer, F Hermundsdottir
Industrial marketing management 107, 148-160, 2022
Spanning the boundary of organisations: A systematic review of the inter-organisational boundary-spanning literature
R Tang, X Qiu, MW Zhang
Trust building and boundary spanning in cross-border management, 181-217, 2018
Procurement for zero-emission construction sites: a comparative study of four European cities
R Stokke, X Qiu, M Sparrevik, S Truloff, I Borge, L De Boer
Environment Systems and Decisions 43 (1), 72-86, 2023
Investigating the potential for reduced emissions from non-road mobile machinery in construction activities through disruptive innovation
M Sparrevik, X Qiu, RA Stokke, I Borge, L de Boer
Environmental Technology & Innovation 31, 103187, 2023
Generating tacit knowledge across borders: international collaboration and design innovation in Norway
X Qiu, M Cano-Kollmann, R Mudambi
Industry and Innovation 29 (5), 597-622, 2022
Micro-Foundation Thinking in Alliance Learning: Role of Boundary Spanners’ Theory of Mind
X Qiu, SA Haugland
Trust Building and Boundary Spanning in Cross-Border Management, 125-156, 2018
Impact of carbon price on renewable energy using power market system
X Hu, X Cheng, X Qiu
Advanced Manufacturing and Automation IX 9th, 671-677, 2020
A systematic review of the inter-organisational boundary-spanning literature
R Tang, X Qiu, MW Zhang
Trust Building and Boundary Spanning in Cross-Border Management, 135-156, 2018
Business model innovation for inclusive development: Case studies of infrastructure development in India
X Qiu, R Rao-Nicholson
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 2024
Internationalization of innovative activities in Norway US patents involving Norwegian inventors and assignees
X Qiu, P Heum, X Cheng
SNF, 2018
The Role of Public Sector Buyers: Influencing Systemic Change in the Construction Sector
S Truloff, L de Boer, X Qiu, AM Fet
Business Transitions: A Path to Sustainability: The CapSEM Model, 155-165, 2023
Requirements Engineering in the Market Dialogue Phase of Public Procurement: A Case Study of an Innovation Partnership for Medical Technology
G Brataas, GK Hanssen, X Qiu, LS Gręslie
International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for …, 2022
The roles of boundary spanners and mentalizing skills in alliance learning and knowledge transfer
X Qiu, S Haugland
Academy of Management Proceedings 2016 (1), 13689, 2016
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Articles 1–15