Nicolas Tsingos
Nicolas Tsingos
Director of Audio Technology, Office of the CTO, Dolby Laboratories
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Cited by
A beam tracing method for interactive architectural acoustics
T Funkhouser, N Tsingos, I Carlbom, G Elko, M Sondhi, JE West, ...
The Journal of the acoustical society of America 115 (2), 739-756, 2004
Modeling acoustics in virtual environments using the uniform theory of diffraction
N Tsingos, T Funkhouser, A Ngan, I Carlbom
Proceedings of the 28th annual conference on Computer graphics and …, 2001
Perceptual audio rendering of complex virtual environments
N Tsingos, E Gallo, G Drettakis
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 23 (3), 249-258, 2004
Design and evaluation of a real-world virtual environment for architecture and urban planning
G Drettakis, M Roussou, A Reche, N Tsingos
presence: teleoperators and virtual environments 16 (3), 318-332, 2007
System and method for adaptive audio signal generation, coding and rendering
CQ Robinson, NR Tsingos, C Chabanne
US Patent 9,179,236, 2015
Automatic reconstruction of unstructured 3d data: Combining a medial axis and implicit surfaces
E Bittar, N Tsingos, MP Gascuel
Computer Graphics Forum 14 (3), 457-468, 1995
Adaptive sampling of implicit surfaces for interactive modelling and animation
M Desbrun, N Tsingos, MP Gascuel
Computer Graphics Forum 15 (5), 319-325, 1996
Survey of methods for modeling sound propagation in interactive virtual environment systems
T Funkhouser, N Tsingos, JM Jot
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, --, 2003
Fast modal sounds with scalable frequency-domain synthesis
N Bonneel, G Drettakis, N Tsingos, I Viaud-Delmon, D James
ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 papers, 1-9, 2008
Progressive perceptual audio rendering of complex scenes
T Moeck, N Bonneel, N Tsingos, G Drettakis, I Viaud-Delmon, D Alloza
Proceedings of the 2007 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and games, 189-196, 2007
Instant sound scattering
N Tsingos, C Dachsbacher, S Lefebvre, M Dellepiane
Symposium on Rendering Techniques, 111--120, 2007
Binaural rendering for headphones using metadata processing
NR Tsingos, R Wilson, S Bharitkar, CP Brown, AJ Seefeldt, R Audfray
US Patent 9,933,989, 2018
System and tools for enhanced 3D audio authoring and rendering
NR Tsingos, CQ Robinson, JW Scharpf
US Patent 9,204,236, 2015
Soundtracks for computer animation: sound rendering in dynamic environments with occlusions
N Tsingos, JD Gascuel
Graphics Interface'97, 1997
Object clustering for rendering object-based audio content based on perceptual criteria
BG Crockett, AJ Seefeldt, NR Tsingos, R Wilson, DJ Breebaart, L Lu, ...
US Patent 9,805,725, 2017
Acoustic rendering and auditory–visual cross‐modal perception and interaction
V Hulusic, C Harvey, K Debattista, N Tsingos, S Walker, D Howard, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 31 (1), 102-131, 2012
Validating acoustical simulations in the Bell Labs Box
N Tsingos, I Carlbom, G Elko, R Kubli, T Funkhouser
IEEE Computer graphics and applications 22 (4), 28-37, 2002
Reconstructing head models from photographs for individualized 3D‐audio processing
M Dellepiane, N Pietroni, N Tsingos, M Asselot, R Scopigno
Computer Graphics Forum 27 (7), 1719-1727, 2008
Using programmable graphics hardware for acoustics and audio rendering
N Tsingos, W Jiang, I Williams
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 59 (9), 628-646, 2011
Implicit surfaces for semi-automatic medical organ reconstruction
N Tsingos, E Bittar, MP Gascuel
Computer Graphics, 3-15, 1995
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Articles 1–20