The Amsterdam hypermedia model: adding time and context to the Dexter model L Hardman, DCA Bulterman, G Van Rossum Communications of the ACM 37 (2), 50-62, 1994 | 546 | 1994 |
Strategic directions in human-computer interaction B Myers, J Hollan, I Cruz, S Bryson, D Bulterman, T Catarci, W Citrin, ... ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 28 (4), 794-809, 1996 | 309 | 1996 |
Usages of the secondary screen in an interactive television environment: Control, enrich, share, and transfer television content P Cesar, DCA Bulterman, AJ Jansen European Conference on Interactive Television, 168-177, 2008 | 224 | 2008 |
CMIFed: a presentation environment for portable hypermedia documents G Van Rossum, J Jansen, KS Mullender, DCA Bulterman Proceedings of the first ACM international conference on Multimedia, 183-188, 1993 | 205 | 1993 |
Structured multimedia authoring DCA Bulterman, L Hardman ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2005 | 189 | 2005 |
Structured multimedia authoring L Hardman, G Van Rossum, DCA Bulterman Proceedings of the first ACM international conference on Multimedia, 283-289, 1993 | 177 | 1993 |
GRiNS: A GRaphical INterface for creating and playing SMIL documents DCA Bulterman, L Hardman, J Jansen, KS Mullender, L Rutledge Computer Networks and ISDN systems 30 (1-7), 519-529, 1998 | 163 | 1998 |
SMIL 3.0: flexible multimedia for Web, mobile devices and daisy talking books DCA Bulterman, L Rutledge Springer, 2009 | 124 | 2009 |
The implications of program genres for the design of social television systems D Geerts, P Cesar, D Bulterman Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Designing interactive …, 2008 | 123 | 2008 |
A Structure for Transportable, Dynamic Multimedia Documents. DCA Bulterman, G Van ROSSum, R Van Liere USENIX Summer, 137-156, 1991 | 120 | 1991 |
Synchronized multimedia integration language (smil 2.1) D Bulterman, G Grassel, J Jansen, A Koivisto, N Layaïda, T Michel, ... W3C recommendation 13, 2005 | 111 | 2005 |
Links in hypermedia: the requirement for context L Hardman, DCA Bulterman, G Van ROSSum Proceedings of the fifth ACM conference on Hypertext, 183-191, 1993 | 104 | 1993 |
SMIL 2.0 part 1: overview, concepts, and structure DCA Bulterman IEEE MultiMedia 8 (4), 82-88, 2001 | 98 | 2001 |
The Amsterdam Hypermedia Model: Extending Hypertext to Support Real Multimedia L Hardman, DCA Bulterman, G Van Rossum Hypermedia 5 (1), 47-69, 1993 | 88 | 1993 |
Is it time for a moratorium on metadata? DCA Bulterman IEEE multimedia 11 (4), 10-17, 2004 | 87 | 2004 |
Enhancing social sharing of videos: fragment, annotate, enrich, and share P Cesar, DCA Bulterman, D Geerts, J Jansen, H Knoche, W Seager Proceedings of the 16th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 11-20, 2008 | 85 | 2008 |
Do you have the time? Composition and linking in time-based hypermedia L Hardman, J van Ossenbruggen, KS Mullender, L Rutledge, ... Proceedings of the tenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and hypermedia …, 1999 | 83 | 1999 |
Multimedia synchronization and UNIX DCA Bulterman, R van Liere International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital …, 1991 | 76 | 1991 |
Fragment, tag, enrich, and send: Enhancing social sharing of video P Cesar, DCA Bulterman, J Jansen, D Geerts, H Knoche, W Seager ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2009 | 69 | 2009 |
SMIL 2.0. 2. Examples and comparisons DCA Bulterman IEEE MultiMedia 9 (1), 74-84, 2002 | 65 | 2002 |