How new public management reforms challenge the roles of professionals K Sehested International Journal of Public Administration 25 (12), 1513-1537, 2002 | 183 | 2002 |
Urban planners as network managers and metagovernors K Sehested Planning Theory & Practice 10 (2), 245-263, 2009 | 157 | 2009 |
Emerging theoretical understanding of pluricentric coordination in public governance A Reff Pedersen, K Sehested, E Sørensen The American review of public administration 41 (4), 375-394, 2011 | 140 | 2011 |
Participation through place-based e-tools: A valuable resource for urban green infrastructure governance? MS Møller, AS Olafsson, K Vierikko, K Sehested, B Elands, A Buijs, ... Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 40, 245-253, 2019 | 65 | 2019 |
Climate change adaptation in Denmark: enhancement through collaboration and meta-governance? D Hedensted Lund, K Sehested, T Hellesen, V Nellemann Local Environment 17 (6-7), 613-628, 2012 | 62 | 2012 |
Critical upscaling. How citizens’ initiatives can contribute to a transition in governance and quality of urban greenspace CBEM Aalbers, K Sehested Urban forestry & urban greening 29, 261-275, 2018 | 46 | 2018 |
Bypolitik mellem hierarki og netværk K Sehested Akademisk Forlag, 2003 | 44 | 2003 |
Netværksstyring i byer. Hvad med planlægningen og demokratiet? K Sehested Djøf Forlag, 2002 | 36 | 2002 |
Cross-sector partnerships as a new form of local governance K Sehested Local Partnerships in Europe: An Action Research Project. Copenhagen: The …, 2003 | 31 | 2003 |
Netværksstyring i byer K Sehested Jurist-og Økonomforbundet, 2002 | 27 | 2002 |
Professioner og offentlige strukturændringer K Sehested Roskilde Universitet, 1995 | 25 | 1995 |
Fagprofessionelles rolle i samarbejdsdrevet innovation K Sehested, L Leonardsen Samarbejdsdrevet innovation i den offentlige sektor, 215-235, 2011 | 18 | 2011 |
Fra sammenkobling til dekobling af ledelse og profession i den kommunale forvaltning N Ejersbo, K Sehested Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift 79 (4/98), 414-428, 1998 | 18 | 1998 |
Investigating urban governance-from the perspectives of policy networks, democracy and planning K Sehested Research Paper from the Department of Social Sciences, Roskilde University, 1-33, 2001 | 17 | 2001 |
Konstruktive bidrag: om teori og metode i konstruktivistisk videnskab AD Hansen, K Sehested Roskilde Universitetsforlag, 2003 | 16 | 2003 |
Offentlig styring som pluricentrisk koordination E Sørensen, AR Pedersen, K Sehested Djøf Forlag, 2011 | 14 | 2011 |
Kommende ledere mellem profession og management K Sehested Roller der rykker: Politikere og administrato-‐rer mellem hierarki og netværk, 2003 | 14 | 2003 |
Nye planlæggerroller i byens netværksstyring K Sehested Bypolitik:-mellem hierarki og netværk, 165-197, 2003 | 12 | 2003 |
Democratic consequences of urban governance K Sehested | 12 | 2002 |
Evaluering af kommuneplanstrategier K Sehested, NB Groth, O Hjort Caspersen Notat, 2009 | 10 | 2009 |