Helena Holmlund
Helena Holmlund
Institute for evaluation of labour market and education policy (IFAU)
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Cited by
The causal effect of parents' schooling on children's schooling: A comparison of estimation methods
H Holmlund, M Lindahl, E Plug
Journal of economic literature 49 (3), 615-651, 2011
Is the gender gap in school performance affected by the sex of the teacher?
H Holmlund, K Sund
Labour Economics 15 (1), 37-53, 2008
The effect of education on criminal convictions and incarceration: Causal evidence from micro‐data
R Hjalmarsson, H Holmlund, MJ Lindquist
The Economic Journal 125 (587), 1290-1326, 2015
Parental choice, neighbourhood segregation or cream skimming? An analysis of school segregation after a generalized choice reform
A Böhlmark, H Holmlund, M Lindahl
Journal of Population Economics 29 (4), 1155-1190, 2016
Does money matter for schools?
H Holmlund, S McNally, M Viarengo
Economics of education review 29 (6), 1154-1164, 2010
Estimating long-term consequences of teenage childbearing: An examination of the siblings approach
H Holmlund
Journal of Human Resources 40 (3), 716-743, 2005
Decentralisering, skolval och fristående skolor: resultat och likvärdighet i svensk skola
H Holmlund, J Häggblom, E Lindahl, S Martinson, A Sjögren, U Vikman, ...
IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2014
Lika möjligheter? Familjebakgrund och skolprestationer 1988–2010
A Böhlmark, H Holmlund
IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2012
A researcher's guide to the Swedish compulsory school reform
H Holmlund
Centre for the Economics of Education, London School of Economics and …, 2008
Targeting noncognitive skills to improve cognitive outcomes: Evidence from a remedial education intervention
H Holmlund, O Silva
Journal of Human Capital 8 (2), 126-160, 2014
The role of mothers and fathers in providing skills: Evidence from parental deaths
J Adda, A Bjorklund, H Holmlund
IZA discussion paper, 2011
Intergenerational mobility and assortative mating. Effects of an educational reform
H Holmlund
Skolsegregation och skolval
A Böhlmark, H Holmlund, M Lindahl
Institutet för arbetsmarknads-och utbildningspolitisk utvärdering (IFAU), 2015
Meet the parents? Family size and the geographic proximity between adult children and older mothers in Sweden
H Holmlund, H Rainer, T Siedler
Demography 50 (3), 903-931, 2013
Jämlikhet i möjligheter och utfall i den svenska skolan
H Holmlund, A Sjögren, B Öckert
IFAU-Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, 2020
Education and equality of opportunity: what have we learned from educational reforms?
H Holmlund
Working paper, 2016
How much does marital sorting contribute to intergenerational socioeconomic persistence?
H Holmlund
Journal of Human Resources 57 (2), 372-399, 2022
Does grade configuration matter? Effects of school reorganisation on pupils’ educational experience
H Holmlund, A Böhlmark
Journal of Urban Economics 109, 14-26, 2019
Barn och unga under coronapandemin: lärdomar från forskning om uppväxtmiljö, skolgång, utbildning och arbetsmarknadsinträde
A Sjögren, M Engdahl, CKB Hall, H Holmlund, M Lundin, H Mühlrad, ...
Ehof Grafiska AB, 2021
All geared towards success? Cultural origins of gender gaps in student achievement
H Holmlund, H Rainer, P Reich
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 209, 222-242, 2023
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Articles 1–20